Racial socialist media operative Les Carpenter surely hates Holocaust deniers. And yet he is one himself.
In 2010, Carpenter went to South Africa for the World Cup, but he wasn’t interested in sports. He never is. Carpenter is one of those racial socialist operatives who only write about “sports” in order to vilify whites, and support genocidal racists who wish to annihilate the white race.
Thus, instead of exposing the ongoing South African Holocaust, in which black South Africans had already slaughtered some 3,000 white farmers, and some 30,000 whites overall—often after gang-raping and torturing them, e.g., by pouring boiling water on them, including 80-year-old women—he lied, in denying that any such thing was happening.
“In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call ‘farm killings’ in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers. The most notable was the killing of white supremacist Eugene TerreBlanche…”Carpenter’s current hero is black supremacist supporter of black cop-killers, Colin Kaepernick.
So, you see, there had only been a “few” murders of white farmers, and they were white supremacists who had it coming, anyway.
A “few” means three, not three thousand.
Another Walter Duranty? White, Western “Reporter” Goes to South Africa, Lies About the Black-on-White Slaughter, and Instead Vilifies the Victims!
By Nicholas Stix
June 25, 2015
Yahoo! Sports “reporter” Les Carpenter hates white South Africans with a genocidal passion. (Actually, it looks like he hates whites in general.) This hatred spills out in the article below, despite his attempts to hide it.
Five years ago, Carpenter went to South Africa to attend the World Cup, the soccer championship during which black stadium crowds made foreign players and fans alike miserable by blasting the ear-splitting, plastic noisemaker called the vuvuzela. None of the niceties were observed or enforced. Apologists for black supremacism claimed that the black South Africans were in their own home, and could act as they wished. Those same apologists routinely turn around and say that whites must submit to foreigners and other races in their own homes.
Carpenter had an opportunity to shine a light on the ongoing South African Holocaust, and contribute to saving lives. Instead, he acted as a latter-day Walter Duranty, lying about it, diminishing it to nothing, and vilifying its victims as racists who are holding back progress.
You come because there have been stories…. And you hear of a place that wants none of that [“peace and togetherness.”] A place where white and black can’t live side-by-side in the rainbow nation.
And you wonder why such a place should exist at all.
And yes, it is true. In a country 80 percent black, there is a town that has made itself 100 percent white….
Mostly Orania taps into white fear…. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers. The most notable was the killing of white supremacist Eugene TerreBlanche…
So, you see, there had only been a “few” murders of white farmers, and they were white supremacists who had it coming, anyway.
At that point, blacks had murdered approximately 3,000 white farmers, often after gang-raping and torturing them for hours, e.g., by pouring boiling water on them, and more than ten times as many white non-farmers.
For Carpenter, the only good white is a dead white, or one who has given whatever he has to blacks.
Sometimes articles' texts and the titles editors give them conflict, but not in this case. "Orania, South Africa: Where apartheid lives on" means that Orania must be wiped out, just as white-run apartheid was. Carpenter understands full well that places like Orania are South African whites' last line of defense against genocide. Les Carpenter and his editor thus leave no doubt that they support the South African Holocaust.

Orania, South Africa: Where apartheid lives on
[Link is dead.]By Les Carpenter
Yahoo! Sports
Tuesday, Jun 15, 2010

Orania, a village five hours from Johannesburg, is a one hundred percent white town in an eighty percent black nation. (Photo by Alan Springer/Yahoo)
ORANIA, South Africa – You come because there have been stories. Because around the World Cup the talk has been about peace and togetherness and the vanquishing of old racial wounds in the hope that the world’s arrival might stimulate new solutions. And you hear of a place that wants none of that. A place where white and black can’t live side-by-side in the rainbow nation. A place settled by the old South Africa who couldn’t cope with the new South Africa.
And you wonder why such a place should exist at all.
So you drive early one morning from Johannesburg, long before the sun climbs into the sky. You go past the flat-topped hills of mining country, through dusty towns and then across the long, open African savannah spotted with acacia trees until five hours later, near the banks of the Orange River, you find Orania.
And yes, it is true. In a country 80 percent black, there is a town that has made itself 100 percent white. Determined to preserve the Afrikaner culture 20 years after the fall of apartheid.
On the surface, Orania seems like a normal village. It has a grocery store, a gas station and a small bookstore that sells town T-shirts. A woman at a desk in the bookstore smiles and asks you to sign a guestbook. The primary language is Afrikaans, not English. The town’s public relations director, a former physician named John Strydom, comes out and shows a video. On the screen, children ride bicycles and the narrator explains that “there is a place where children can still have a comfortable childhood” and “residents can walk without looking over their shoulder.”
And it is clear that without even mentioning the words, this is all about black and white.
Driving around Orania, Strydom points out all the sights: the new houses built with bales of straw for insulation and solar panels on the roofs, the radio station, the small but lavish hotel and gleaming spa that overlook the river. He also explains the criteria for buying a house in Orania: one must submit an application, promise to uphold the Afrikaner culture and be approved by an administrative board.
“We can choose who lives here,” he says bluntly.
When asked if that was restricted by race he replied: “Most people in South Africa wouldn’t want to come here if they are black.”
Once the Afrikaners controlled South Africa, often brutally; this, despite the fact they were a white minority in a country that is predominantly black. [Carpenter’s implication was that the blacks ruling the world’s murder and rape capital since 1994 were gentle.] In the 1940s, they invented apartheid as an official form of segregation and ran the country almost as a dictatorship until black uprisings and the world’s scorn broke that rule. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, it was only a matter of time before Afrikaner rule was over.
This is when a missionary named Carel Boshoff, the son-in-law of Hendrick Frensch Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid, banded with a group of 40 families to buy a mostly abandoned government construction camp and turn it into Orania. From the beginning, the idea was to separate. Orania had its own flag and its own currency (the ora, the first three letters of the town’s name) and set out to build something self-sustaining. Now, the 700 or so residents of Orania live as if it is their own country.
In fact, when asked who he considers to be his president, Boshoff’s son Carel (IV), who is now the community’s leader rambles for a moment, talking about how all people see government in different ways. When pressed on the question he finally says, “Right here,” and points to the ground at his feet. [Carpenter butchered the interrogation, such that it is unintelligible, because he didn’t want the reader to know his part in it. First, he shows his contempt for Carel IV, which he never would have done with a black racist, describing him as “rambling.” Then he says, in the passive voice, “when pressed.” Well, how did Carpenter press him?]
Carel (IV) is an intellectual man, with large glasses and wavy long hair. He could be a young radical in Amsterdam if he wasn’t here in this small farming town explaining why he wants an Afrikaner state. He likes to talk in concepts and enjoys the show about international politics he hosts every week on the radio station.
He picks his words carefully but the community’s philosophy spills out nonetheless. [Spills out? As if it were a dirty secret that the he was trying to hide?] Since the Afrikaner is white in heritage then the culture that is preserved must be white as well. The people of Orania don’t have anything against black people, he says, they just don’t share a culture. And if they don’t share a culture then they shouldn’t be living together.

In order to buy a house in Orania, one must submit an application and promise to uphold Afrikaner culture. (Photo by Alan Springer/Yahoo)
Mostly Orania taps into white fear. Carel (IV) speaks a lot about how black rule has forced Afrikaners out of work because of Affirmative Action programs designed to get blacks jobs. An experienced white engineer could suddenly become a technical assistant to an inexperienced black employee, he says.
He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers. The most notable was the killing of white supremacist Eugene TerreBlanche, a man who has advocated for several white republics in the country and was beaten to death by two of his black workers over a wage dispute.
“Very few people coming here are not affected by crime,” Carel (IV) says. “They have been robbed or hijacked or something. It affects their mindsets.”
South Africa is quickly becoming a failed state, Carel (IV) says. Any thought the World Cup is going to bring unity and help people confront two decades of growing pains is ridiculous, he says. The country’s future, with what he calls “corruption” in the mostly black African National Congress, is bleak.
“There’s no reason a country as diverse as South Africa should be united and together,” he says.
The best plan, he adds, is to “stand out of the tension.”
And yet that is the misfortune of Orania, this fact it wants to step back from the fight to build South Africa. It is a beautiful town with imaginative people, like Carel (IV)’s nephew, also named Carel who is a student in Pretoria, who loves the idea of the World Cup and yet dreams of returning to Orania.
“We’re building something for ourselves here,” he says.
But why? Why not for the country? Why hide a spectacular hotel and a spa on the edge of the river and not share it with the rest of South Africa? All around the country there is growth and building, even among the “tension” as Carel (IV) calls it. Just a few days ago in the black Johannesburg township of Soweto, a group of black residents gathered at a restaurant for the monthly meeting of their saving group. Together, they said, they give whatever money they want to put away to one member who deposits it in the bank. Then when enough has been saved to buy a car or a house or pay for school they can pull it out. The group serves as their support.
Imagine putting the saving group together with the Orania ingenuity that erected energy-efficient houses made with straw inside? What a country this could become.
On the drive back to Johannesburg and the World Cup that has come to be about unity, it was so easy to see.
The sadness as night fell and an autumn storm rumbled across the savannah was that Orania could not.
Les Carpenter is a feature writer and columnist for Yahoo! Sports. Follow him on
Twitter. Send Les a question or comment for potential use in a future column or webcast.
Updated Tuesday, Jun 15, 2010
Anonymous said...
What a complete and total disingenuous douchebag! Yeah "only" over 3000 thus far, women gang raped to death and infants put into boiling water. This is not a writer this is a propagandist, for blind business as usual. I always despised yahoo anyway.
Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 6:55:00 PM EDT
David In TN said...
And he'd use euphemisms like "only" and "a few" about The Knoxville Horror as well. To me, denial is only a step below approval.
Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:54:00 PM EDT
Anonymous said...
This story irritates the hell out of me for more than one reason. Of course you have the fact that this is typical anti-white liberal garbage. That much is obvious. But the part that gets me the most is the contradictory or nonsensical nature of what is written. How in the hell can these people contribute to building the country when they can't get jobs that would allow them to do so? It's so damned stupid. He even mentions this phenomenon earlier in the article.
And what are they going to contribute? I wasn't aware that only white people could build makeshift straw houses and water heaters with windows on them. Can blacks also not build their own resorts? After all, they control the country. The implication is that blacks are slow-witted, incompetent and in desperate need of the white race's help, a notion that is contrary to everything liberals state they believe about black people. I guess it fits in with the idea that even the most pathetic, trampled white people in the world are somehow still in possession of some sort of can-do superpower by virtue of nonexistent white privilege.
This guy further reinforces my opinion that the left is motivated not by a misguided attempt to help non-whites, but by hatred of whites ourselves and a desire to see every one of us meet a violent end. And this brings me to the final frustrating mystery: why would a white man himself write this?
Friday, June 26, 2015 at 9:21:00 PM EDT
Nicholas said...
Friday, June 26, 2015 at 9:21:00 PM EDT
“And this brings me to the final frustrating mystery: why would a white man himself write this?”
He’s evil.
Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 3:32:00 AM EDT
The Duranty-Blair Award recognizes those journalists whose work embodies the spirit of Walter Duranty and Jayson Blair, two of the most notorious “journalists” in the history of the Fourth Estate. It is no accident that both men worked for the New York Times.
Walter Duranty wrote a series of early 1930s dispatches from the Soviet Union, where he was Times Moscow bureau chief, in which he lied about the Ukrainian Holocaust, in which Stalin deliberately starved millions of Kulaks (farmers) to death, through a man-made famine. Instead of reporting the truth, Duranty reported that the peasants were happy and well-fed, and was rewarded for his lies with a Pulitzer Prize.
Jayson Blair (here, here, and here) was an early 2000s black affirmative action hire, who alternately plagiarized reporters at other newspapers, and fabricated articles out of whole cloth, all for stories set hundreds and even thousands of miles away, while he sat in New York City cafés.
New York Times operatives who are Duranty-Blair laureates are Farhad Manjoo and Francis X. Clines.
Previous Duranty-Blair winners are:
• CBS News producer Mary Mapes in 2004;
• Seven reporters and editors at the New Orleans Times-Picayune in 2006;
• ABC News reporter Brian Ross in 2012;
• Peter Berger (not the brilliant sociologist), of The American Interest, in 2013;
• Associated Press operative Tom Hays, in 2014;
• New York Times operative Farhad Manjoo in September, 2016;
• CNN’s Symone Sanders (2), Don Lemon, and Kate Bolduan (2), in November 2016;
• New York Times Propaganda Officer Francis X. Clines in March 2017;
• CNN Activist Jim Sciutto, in May 2017;
• Associated Press “Reporter” Duncan Mansfield (posthumous), in September 2017;
• CBS Sports operative Jack Maloney, Chairman Sean McManus, and President David Berson, in October 2017;
• Associated Press operative Julie Pace, in October 2017;
• Associated Press Executive Editor Sally Buzbee and Managing Editor Brian Carovillano, in November 2017;
• “New York Times Operatives Richard Fausset (Alleged Reporter), Executive Editor Dean Baquet, and Managing Editor Joseph Kahn,” in December 2017; and
• Foreign Policy’s Max Boot, Jonathan Tepperman, and Ben Pauker, in January 2018.
What we need is Les(s) Carpenter,not more.
--GR Anonymous
"Denial is only a step below approval."
I forgot that I wrote this about the liberal tendency to deny, disappear, overlook, etc black on white crime.
Fund wanted to pay for tickets to these "winners" to go live on a farm in Africa for a period of time and see how many will write the same LIES
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