Sunday, November 24, 2024

"game show host passes away at 83"

By A Texas Reader
sunday, november 24, 2024 at 12:56:06 p.m. est

"Iconic [?!] game show host passes away at 83

Didn't realize he lived in texas.


N.S.: "Iconic game show host"?! The only iconic game show host was Groucho.

People who call the likes of Chuck Woolery "iconic" have no business writing headlines.


Anonymous said...

"LIngo" was a good one he hosted. The funny thing about that show was in 2003,there was a busty, blonde chick co-host(Stacy Hayes),who he couldn't keep his hands off of. One year,he lost a ton of weight while making the moves on her and I believe there was a lawsuit. Hayes disappeared and was replaced by a beautiful model by the name of Shandi Fennessey--gorgeous.

If you look up Chuck with Stacy Hayes,every pic you see of them,he had his hand around her waist. He was crazy about her,but he didn't wind up with her though.


AbolishTenure said...

Most memorable Wheel quote: "This next puzzle is so big it'll knock your hat in the crick!"

Here is Woolery's final Wheel episode from 1981. Jump to 24:50 for his farewells. (For some reason this one omits all the video of the games in between - including Susan Stafford turning the letters, actual physical prisms that actually turned.) Jack Clark announcing. Great theme music by Alan Thicke. Contestants having to spend their money on pricey stuff of dubious practical value.

Journalist's 21st century stylebook note: When there is no appropriate DEI adjective ("black", "Latino/Latina/Latinx", "gay", "transgender", etc.), and no pejorative ("extremist", "racist", "right-wing", etc.) is available, use "iconic", even if you don't know what it means. I thought the media would stomp on his grave because of his conservative social media posts of recent years.

Anonymous said...