Sunday, July 07, 2024

Adam Schiff thinks Kamala would be a “phenomenal” president and could win overwhelmingly against Trump

By Jerry PDX
sunday, july 7, 2024 at 12:02:00 p.m. edt

Adam Schiff thinks Kamala would be a “phenomenal” president and could win overwhelmingly against Trump:

Some representative shooting his mouth off doesn't necessarily mean anything but his comments are getting a lot of play in the msm.

I just watched a panel of talking sock puppets on TV echo Schiff and praise Kamala. Is the media machine gearing up to shove Kamala in our face 24/7? The prevailing opinion seems to be any kind of Biden replacement would be a lame duck candidate but Kamala has name recognition and has "served" as Vice President. Biden voters who hate Trump will have no problem shifting their vote to Kamala. She hates Whites every bit as much as Obama and Biden did, and there's no other kind of candidate that appeals to self-hating Whites more. Are there enough people on the fence that would shift to Kamala and get her elected?


Anonymous said...

Schiff is sucking up,brown nosing the brown chick?

"I'm available for Veep.You can even call me "pencil neck honkey" if you want to--ANYTHING--just choose ME!"


Anonymous said...


Rob Reiner(Meathead):"It’s time to stop f*cking around. If the Convicted Felon wins, we lose our democracy.

Archie:Do you spell democracy--d-e-m-o-c-r-a-z-y there Meathead?And while your at it,ask Biden to spell treason,because that's what he's committed,by allowing
all the tamales to flood in here the last 3 years.

Reiner:Joe Biden has effectively served US with honor, decency, and dignity. It’s time for Joe Biden to step down."

Archie:Well he'd better hold on to his wife,Jill,if he's stepping anywhere(laughs).As for the other three things you say he's "served" us with,if you REALLY believe that,buddy boy,maybe YOU need one of those FOGinitive tests.

Reiner:That's COGnitive.



Anonymous said...

Adam is an expert. Jacob Schiff USA supposedly gave the go-ahead to kill the Czar and his famblee. I wonder if Adam and Jacob are related.

Anonymous said...

Kamala the five hundred pound Ugandan giant. Last name was Harris.