Saturday, April 06, 2024

See a Lady Struck by Lightning (Photo)

Re-posted by N.S.


Anonymous said...

America beware. Omens, great signs and portents. Monday the total eclipse. Beware,

Anonymous said...

In the middle of an earthquake,while the eclipse was going on?No,that'll be Monday.

Struck by "Lightning"--is that a new Mex car--and a drunk mex driving it?


Anonymous said...


GRA:Well,the media has gone bonkers for the eclipse,temporarily eclipsing their coverage of how much they hate Trump by a small amount and how much they hate Whites by about the same.Back to normal,Tuesday.

Wouldn't it be something if two hours before this eclipse thing was supposed to happen,NASA came out and said,"April Fool's?"

"No eclipse today."

THEN you'd see White people riot.

By the way,are any blacks interested in this phenomena,traveling hundreds of miles to sit in the dark for 3 minutes?I haven't seen one yet on tv say they are.The blacks are watching all the Whites leave their houses for easy robbing though.

"We gonna eclipse their jewelry and appliances while they 's gone,"said one of two unidentified negroes wearing unapproved eclipse sunglasses.

"It's gonna get REAL dark around Whitey's house,once they leave,"said another black.

I've seen a couple total eclipses--and all I can say is,if you want to sit in the dark for a few minutes,go outside after 10 pm.

Otherwise,this has been a little overdone.

Happy Total Eclipse Day.


Anonymous said...

100 trillion locusts going to emerge in a few weeks. Most in 221 years or something like that. We are doomed.

Anonymous said...

"100 trillion locusts going to emerge in a few weeks."

GRA:What would Moses do?