Sunday, December 31, 2023
"following the [alleged] miscarriage, which she suffered at just over 22 weeks pregnant, Watts flushed the toilet"; Ted Verity's daily mail has rigged readers' responses
sunday, december 31, 2023 at 10:19:07 p.m. est
"following the miscarriage, which she suffered at just over 22 weeks pregnant, Watts flushed the toilet.
black "ohio woman Brittany Watts, 33, speaks out after she was charged with felony abuse of a corpse following miscarriage"
"the 33-year-old was charged with gross abuse of a corpse, a fifth-degree felony, after she suffered a miscarriage at home and attempted to flush the fetus down the toilet."
N.S.: Something stinks about the story, and the reader comments and votes. I don't believe the woman for one minute. You're pregnant, but don't want to wait at the hospital, and leave, against medical advice? You lose your baby, and so you go to the beauty parlor?
Note that the daily mail operative, Mackenzie Tatananni, one-sidedly quotes the woman's lying lawyer, Traci Timko, as if she were speaking Gospel truth.
Almost everyone in the comments supports the black female, who obviously lied about her actions, even commenters claiming to be "pro-life" republicans. The hell, they are. They remind me of commenters at the wall street journal, a few presidential elections ago, who claimed to be lifelong, black members of the nra who believed in "common-sense gun control."
I'm convinced that the daily mail Gauleiter blacked many commenters and voters with the "wrong" politics. I also strongly suspect that the authorities believe that Brittany Watts murdered her unborn child.>
"fight between two women leads to deadly shooting at atlanta McDonald’s-undefined"
sunday, december 31, 2023 at 11:31:38 p.m. est
"fight between two women leads to deadly shooting at atlanta McDonald's-undefined"
Guess who.
baby born with gunshot wound dies; St. Louis police rule death a homicide
sunday, december 31, 2023 at 10:01:29 p.m. est
"baby born with gunshot wound dies; St. Louis police rule death a homicide"
From fox 2:
"the wealthiest californians are leaving the state. it's bad news for the economy"
"the wealthiest californians are leaving the state. it's bad news for the economy"
What’s that saying?
People vote with their feet.
I work in sales for one of the largest auto insurance firms in country.
Had a prospect a few months ago who lived in Boerne, just outside of San Antonio. He was a real estate broker in Boerne (pronounced like Bernie Sanders).
Prospect had moved from california to texas a few years ago.
Loved, loved, loved texas.
He had even put together a video extolling the virtues of moving to texas, specifically the greater Boerne area.,_Texas
Used it as a recruiting tool to pull friends and family from california to texas.
negro kills person she thought was stealing packages
negro woman kills person she thought was stealing packages, police say
"bay area woman kills person she thought was stealing packages, police say"
“according to a linkedin profile that matches Blakely’s name and photo, she previously worked as a processing clerk for the U.S. postal service and was briefly an office assistant for the oakland police department. her linkedin lists her as 'unemployed' for the last five years.”
N.S.: Dag, it's almost impossible for a black woman to get fired from a job. I wonder what she'd done.
"Harvard honor council student accuses school of double standard, says Claudine Gay must resign over plagiarism scandal"
"Harvard honor council student accuses school of double standard, says Claudine Gay must resign over plagiarism scandal"
"in an op-ed published in the Harvard crimson, a member of the student committee tasked with punishing plagiarism said president Gay's infractions would cause a student to be suspended for..."
Video: See the Full Interview of President Nixon on Nightline from January 7, 1992
What the President did not count on was the candidacy of Ross Perot, which won the election for Democrat Bill Clinton.
"Richard Nixon on Nightline with Ted Koppel | FULL INTERVIEW January 7, 1992"
"190,212 views Nov 8, 2023
"From the archives of the Richard Nixon Library & Museum."
"The Richard Nixon Foundation applies the legacy and vision of President Richard Nixon, America’s relentless grand strategist, to defining issues facing our nation and the world.
"The Richard Nixon Foundation in association with the National Archives and Records Administration provides financial support to collect, preserve, and make available to the public and for scholars the documents, recordings, and other materials that illuminate the life and times, and the historic legacy of Richard Nixon."
See Will Rogers, then America’s Biggest Movie Star, in John Ford’s Judge Priest (1934), with Step’n’Fetchit, for Free, Complete, and without Commercial Interruption, at WEJB/NSU
You can skip the interview with Chris Enss, by going straight to 6:52. The picture runs for only 80 minutes.
Unfortunately, William Penn Adair Rogers (1878-1935) died in a plane crash on August 15, 1935, at the height of his fame, after being America’s biggest movie star for two consecutive years (1934, 1935), according to Quigley’s magazine. Prior to Rogers’ run, fat, old Marie Dressler (1868-1934), the first Quigley’s champ, had been the number one star for two years, before the Red Witch, aka the Big C, came for her. Folks in Hollywood and elsewhere, must have begun to think that being box-office champ was jinxed, though Shirley Temple then survived, holding the title for three straight years.
Rogers, who was an Okie and part-indian, was a huge star in wild west shows, vaudeville, and Ziegfeld’s Follies as a humorist. He’d play with his lariat, and let loose with jokes. Many of his lines were for a century in pre-racial socialist America among the best-loved American quotations. Some are laugh-out-loud funny, while others display Rogers’ mischievous intelligence.
“Make crime pay. Become a lawyer.
“The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.
“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.
“Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for.
“If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?
“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.
“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
“A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.”
“All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance.
“Things ain’t what they used to be and never were.
“It isn’t what we don't know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.
“Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.
“The more you observe politics, the more you’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other.
“When the Okies left Oklahoma and moved to California, it raised the I.Q. of both states.”
“Prohibition is better than no liquor at all.”
And my favorite, which ain’t on any of the lists:
“Hardly a day goes by, you know, that some innocent bystander ain’t shot in New York City. All you got to do is be innocent and stand by and they’re going to shoot you. The other day, there was four people shot in one day—four innocent people—in New York City. It’s kind of hard to find four innocent people in New York. That’s why a policeman don’t have to aim. He just shoots anywhere. Whoever he hits, that’s the right one.”
And he could play the piano and sing, too.
In Judge Priest, while he’s playing the piano, his housekeeper (Hattie McDaniel) is cleaning and singing, and he suddenly breaks into a duet with her.
The WEJB/NSU Theater, 1902-1981:
Georges Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon (1902);
The Great Train Robbery (1903);
C.B. DeMille’s The Squaw Man (1914);
D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation (1915);
D.W. Griffith’s Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Through the Ages (1916);
Charlie Chaplin’s Shoulder Arms (1918);
Starring “Jack”: See the 1920 Silent Picture Classic of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;Robert Wiene’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920);
Buster Keaton’s One Week (1920);
D. W. Griffith’s Way Down East (1920);
F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu (1921);
The Kid (1921), Charlie Chaplin’s First Feature as Director;
Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou’s First Pictures Featuring the Evil Genius, Dr. Mabuse: Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler, Teil I (Dr. Mabuse, the Player, Part I); and
Dr. Mabuse, Teil II: Inferno (Dr. Mabuse, Inferno, Part II, both 1922, released one month apart) with English subtitles;
James Cruze’s The Covered Wagon (1923);
John Ford’s The Iron Horse (1924);
Charlie, in The Gold Rush (1925);
Lon Chaney, in The Phantom of the Opera (1925);
King Vidor, Laurence Stallings, and Harry Behn’s The Big Parade (1925), Starring Gilbert and Adore!
Buster Keaton’s The General (1926);
John Ford’s 1926 Western, 3 Bad Men;
When a Man Loves (1927), Starring “Jack” and Dolores Costello;
Josef von Sternberg and Ben Hecht’s Underworld (1927), the First American Gangster Picture;
Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger (1927);
“Wild Bill” Wellman’s Restored, Classic Silent Picture, Wings (1927), One of the First Two Best Picture Oscar Winners;
F.W. Murnau’s Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927, One of the First Two Best Picture Oscar Winners);
Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou’s Dystopian Science Fiction Epic, Metropolis (1927), the Greatest S/F Picture Ever, Plus Its Soundtrack Suite;
Frank Borzage and Austin Strong’s Seventh Heaven (1927);
Samson Raphaelson, Alfred A. Cohn, Jack Jarmuth and Alan Crosland’s The Jazz Singer (1927), the First-Ever Talkie, Starring Al Jolson, by Warner Brothers;
St. Louis Blues (talkie, short, 1929);
Fritz Lang & Thea von Harbou’s First Talkie: M: Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (1931) (M: A City Searches for a Murderer);
Paul Robeson in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones (talkie, 1933);
The Man Who Knew too Much (1934): The Original Version of the Early Hitchcock Classic
Kate Hepburn in the Super Chief’s Quality Street (1937);
Cary Grant and Roz Russell in Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur, and Howard Hawks’ His Girl Friday (1940);
Zero’s Since You Went Away (1944);
William Dieterle’s A Portrait of Jennie (1948);
Jules Dassin, Albert Malz, and Malvin Wald’s The Naked City (1948), Plus Music; and
Paul Newman, in Fort Apache, the Bronx (1981).
Blah, blah, blah: "iconic journalist," “one of the greatest journalists in all of history,” whom you never heard of, but who apparently wished death on Whites, is dead at 84 (videos)
sunday, december 31, 2023 at 02:50:04 p.m. est
His name was John Pilger.
"Mr. Pilger grew up in bondi before his journalism career took him all over the globe as he worked for mastheads such as reuters and the daily mirror.
"he was an opponent of western foreign policy [N.S.: Whatever that means] and remained apprised on domestic issues such as the plight of indigenous australians.
"leading the tributes to Pilger on social media was former abc [austrialian broadcasting corporation] journalist Quentin Dempster who wrote:
'Pilger exposed atrocity, war crimes, abuse of power, dispossession, hypocrisy and dirty tricks around the world in a life of fearless truth-telling. may he rest in peace.'"
"iconic journalist John Pilger dies" — rt world news
raceless perps shot and wounded multiple vics throughout the district saturday night
sunday, december 31, 2023 at 07:44:21 p.m. est
"multiple injured [sic] in shootings throughout the district saturday night"
Not one of the “descriptions” of the perps mentions race.
Gee, why is that?
"the los angeles county sheriff's department released body camera footage on friday night showing a fatal shooting of a 27-year-old black woman who had called to report domestic violence in early december"
"lasd releases body cam video of deputies shooting woman who reported domestic violence in Lancaster" "the los angeles county sheriff's department has released body camera footage showing a deputy fatally shooting a 27-year-old black woman in her apartment." |
illegal immigrants?! (Graphic)
Ya on board with me?🤔⬇️
— 🦅BIGSKY🦅 (@BIG_SKY_406) December 31, 2023
Even brain-dead, pc republicans joined in! "almost 200K 'students' boycotted ny state standardized tests in parents' rights revolt”; Lachlan Murdoch and Keith Poole's new york post has handcuffed most would-be commenters
Several years ago, a high-ranking, new york republican supported this crap.
“almost 200K students boycotted ny state standardized tests in parents' rights revolt”
“thousands of parents are staging a revolt against the state by refusing to have their kids take the standardized english and math exams, test data reviewed by the post reveal.”
“boycott rates were sky high in the suburbs — notably in long island — amid parental objections at what they see as excessive testing, which critics have long maintained leads to narrowing of the curriculum and 'teaching to the test.'”
As psychometrician Richard Phelps asked 20 years ago, in Kill the Messenger, if you're not going to teach to the test, what are you going to do, teach against the test?
By the way, at least 20 years ago Richard Phelps debunked the myth that asserts that American kids are over-tested.
“The General Patton of the Testing Wars”
the post has blocked me, yet again, from commenting. It tells me, “LOG IN TO COMMENT,” but nothing happens when I hit the link. However, I am not alone. So far, the Gauleiter has only permitted 11 comments.
black killer burned the private parts of the two-year-old, White child he murdered
sunday, december 31, 2023 at 05:39:01 p.m. est
burned the private parts of a two-year-old, White child
Beyond grotesque. White child of a White mother killed by the black boyfriend. It is always a boyfriend that did it. In this case, he burned the genital parts of the White child first, before killing him with torture. This is a very, very severe offense. Who cannot obviously understand this to be so.
Killing a small child by an adult is of itself an aggravated offense, plus torture to the child and failure to dispose of remains in the proper manner. His story that mother and child had gone to relatives was a big lie. Pennsylvania, I think, think has a death penalty; this should be a death penalty case.
The savage african that committed the crime does need to be executed, hopefully sooner than later, but I greatly doubt it. Too bad.
See Sam Peckinpah's Brilliant TV Series, The Westerner, 1960: S01E07 “Treasure,” Uncut, for Free, and Without Commercial Interruption, at WEJB/NSU
Episodes of The Westerner (1960) previously aired at WEJB/NSU:
“TV Like You’ve Never Seen It! A Foray into Hell: The Premiere Episode of Sam Peckinpah’s The Westerner (1960)”;
“A Lynching: Classic Sam Peckinpah on TV; The Westerner (1960), Episode 2” “School Days”;
Episode 3: “Brown” (1960), starring Brian Keith and John Dehner;
Episode 4: “Mrs. Kennedy”; and
Episode 5, “Dos Pinos.”
Episode 6, “The Courting of Libby.”
Episode 8, S01E08 “The Old Man.”
Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:
“Ride the High Country (1962): A Christian Western from… Sam Peckinpah?!”;
“Unforgettable TV Music: Two Themes from The Rifleman, Composed by Herschel Burke Gilbert”;
“Classic TV Western Themes from Bonanza, Rawhide, Wagon Train and The Rifleman, with Pics of Young Clint Eastwood, Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Pernell Roberts, Dan Blocker, Chuck Connors, John McIntire and the Great Ward Bond!”; and
“The Ballad of Paladin from the Classic Richard Boone TV Western, Have Gun Will Travel, Sung by Johnny Western.”
"african leader calls for public execution of gays"
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 05:51:46 p.m. est
"african leader calls for public execution of gays"
Looks like the globo-homo agenda might be stopped by blacks.
Of all people.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
"exclusive: Rikers inmate reportedly shivved by alleged grand central stabber had 26 prior arrests, once charged with attempted murder"
"exclusive: Rikers inmate reportedly shivved by alleged grand central stabber had 26 prior arrests, once charged with attempted murder"
"Hutcherson, who has a long record of his own, allegedly stabbed two teen tourists at grand central terminal on Christmas morning."
"how COULD they? shocking moment 'texas' man and his friend head-stomp and beat frail Alzheimer's sufferer, 67, who got confused and mistook their car for his daughter's
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 06:38:08 p.m. est
"how COULD they? shocking moment 'texas' man and his friend head-stomp and beat frail Alzheimer's sufferer, 67, who got confused and mistook their car for his daughter's"
"the victim attacked [sic] the clip has since been identified as Florentino Hurtado, who relatives said was diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's two years ago."
It's because blacks hate mexicans.
Because mexicans steal the scut work jobs that blacks used to do.
As for the victim, he's probably a wetback with American (sic) offspring.
Another welfare recipient from south of the border.
Betcha all of his American (sic) offspring were born in the county hospital, that is, for free.
"breaking: ex-nypd cop kills nyc doe teacher wife, 2 sons in apparent Rockland county murder-suicide"
Watson and Ornela Morgan and their sons. He slaughtered his entire family.
By N.S.
"Bronxville police sgt. Watson Morgan is believed to have killed his wife, nyc doe teacher Ornela Morgan, and their 10- and 12-year-old sons in an apparent murder-suicide in their new..."
See Sam Peckinpah's Brilliant TV Series: The Westerner (1960): S01E08 "The Old Man," for Free, Uncut, and Without Commercial Interruption
Episodes of The Westerner (1960) (1960) previously aired at WEJB/NSU:
“TV Like You’ve Never Seen It! A Foray into Hell: The Premiere Episode of Sam Peckinpah’s The Westerner (1960)”;
“A Lynching: Classic Sam Peckinpah on TV; The Westerner (1960), Episode 2” “School Days”;
Episode 3: “Brown” (1960), starring Brian Keith and John Dehner;
Episode 4: “Mrs. Kennedy”; and
Episode 5, “Dos Pinos.”
Episode 6, “The Courting of Libby.”
Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:
“Ride the High Country (1962): A Christian Western from… Sam Peckinpah?!”;
“Unforgettable TV Music: Two Themes from The Rifleman, Composed by Herschel Burke Gilbert”;
“Classic TV Western Themes from Bonanza, Rawhide, Wagon Train and The Rifleman, with Pics of Young Clint Eastwood, Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Pernell Roberts, Dan Blocker, Chuck Connors, John McIntire and the Great Ward Bond!”; and
“The Ballad of Paladin from the Classic Richard Boone TV Western, Have Gun Will Travel, Sung by Johnny Western.”
animals soulless
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 07:37:39 p.m. est
animals soulless
sassafrass84 on X: "Does anybody know what was going on? Everything good? Since 4am this morning, this has been going on in northern Virginia outside DC." / X
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 07:53:14 p.m. est
Sassafrass84 on X: "Does anybody know what was going on? Everything good? Since 4am this morning, this has been going on in northern Virginia outside DC." / X
Raspail's The Camp of the Saints: A Review
the best review of Raspail's The Camp of the Saints I've read
Great line - citing the phenomenon of the "ghoulish celebration of white demographic decline."
See When a Man Loves (1927) - Starring John Barrymore, Dolores Costello with Original Vitaphone Score, Free, Complete, and Without Commercial Interruption, at WEJB/NSU
The WEJB/NSU Theater, 1902-1981:
Georges Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon (1902);
The Great Train Robbery (1903);
C.B. DeMille’s The Squaw Man (1914);
D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation (1915);
D.W. Griffith’s Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Through the Ages (1916);
Charlie Chaplin’s Shoulder Arms (1918);
Starring “Jack”: See the 1920 Silent Picture Classic of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;Robert Wiene’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920);
Buster Keaton’s One Week (1920);
D. W. Griffith’s Way Down East (1920);
F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu (1921);
The Kid (1921), Charlie Chaplin’s First Feature as Director;
Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou’s First Pictures Featuring the Evil Genius, Dr. Mabuse: Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler, Teil I (Dr. Mabuse, the Player, Part I); and
Dr. Mabuse, Teil II: Inferno (Dr. Mabuse, Inferno, Part II, both 1922, released one month apart) with English subtitles;
James Cruze’s The Covered Wagon (1923);
John Ford’s The Iron Horse (1924);
Charlie, in The Gold Rush (1925);
Lon Chaney, in The Phantom of the Opera (1925);
King Vidor, Laurence Stallings, and Harry Behn’s The Big Parade (1925), Starring Gilbert and Adore!
Buster Keaton’s The General (1926);
John Ford’s 1926 Western, 3 Bad Men;
When a Man Loves (1927), Starring “Jack” and Dolores Costello;
Josef von Sternberg and Ben Hecht’s Underworld (1927), the First American Gangster Picture;
Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger (1927);
“Wild Bill” Wellman’s Restored, Classic Silent Picture, Wings (1927), One of the First Two Best Picture Oscar Winners;
F.W. Murnau’s Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927, One of the First Two Best Picture Oscar Winners);
Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou’s Dystopian Science Fiction Epic, Metropolis (1927), the Greatest S/F Picture Ever, Plus Its Soundtrack Suite;
Frank Borzage and Austin Strong’s Seventh Heaven (1927);
Samson Raphaelson, Alfred A. Cohn, Jack Jarmuth and Alan Crosland’s The Jazz Singer (1927), the First-Ever Talkie, Starring Al Jolson, by Warner Brothers;
St. Louis Blues (talkie, short, 1929);
Fritz Lang & Thea von Harbou’s First Talkie: M: Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (1931) (M: A City Searches for a Murderer);
Paul Robeson in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones (talkie, 1933);
The Man Who Knew too Much (1934): The Original Version of the Early Hitchcock Classic
Kate Hepburn in the Super Chief’s Quality Street (1937);
Cary Grant and Roz Russell in Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur, and Howard Hawks’ His Girl Friday (1940);
Zero’s Since You Went Away (1944);
William Dieterle’s A Portrait of Jennie (1948);
Jules Dassin, Albert Malz, and Malvin Wald’s The Naked City (1948), Plus Music; and
Paul Newman, in Fort Apache, the Bronx (1981).
"Breaking: U.S. border now a un-controlled zone destroying America"
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 11:08:17 p.m. est
"Breaking: U.S. border now a un-controlled zone destroying America"
Vince Guaraldi: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving: "Thanksgiving Theme"
["Vince Guaraldi, and 'Charlie Brown Blues.'"]
Re-posted by N.S.
"Thanksgiving Theme" (Track 2)
"Thanksgiving Theme Reprise" (Track 3)
"maine democrat who barred Trump from ballot met with Biden twice and referred to the electoral college as a 'relic of white supremacy.'"
Saturday, December 30, 2023 at 08:16:31 p.m. est
new: "maine democrat who barred Trump from ballot met with Biden twice and referred to the electoral college as a 'relic of white supremacy.'"
White supremacy.
When all the brown races of the planet, pakis, indians, filipinos and mexicans, want to live around Whitey.
nfl sponsor sinex airs a demographically unlikely commercial
saturday, december 30, 2023 at 10:29:00 p.m. est
GRA: If the ad companies can’t cast all blacks for tv commercials, the next best thing is showing a clueless White male with a black. In this case, the White guy is married to a negress. The poor, White bastard is congested and can’t figure out what to do about it.
Enter the all knowing, negress wife. She hands her befuddled, Caucasian betrothed the sinex—problem over.
Except that tv is portraying this bf/wm marriage as normal which, of course, it isn’t. Two percent, tops?
It must be discouraging to audition for the part of White geek every place.
A Video Biography of "Jack": John Barrymore (1882-1942)
[Starring “Jack”: See the 1920 Silent Picture Classic of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Video) for Free, and Without Commercial Interrruptions; Also Fedora and A Star is Born Times Two (Plus: “Jack’s” Wittiest Sayings)]
Re-posted by N.S.
John Barrymore: 1965 Biography of One of Hollywood's Greatest Actors
This episode of David L. Wolper Production’s “Biography" profiles actor John Barrymore. It begins with a montage of memorable Barrymore moments from various films (0:09). He applies makeup backstage (1:07). “He was called the greatest American actor of his time — of all time.” Title sequence from 1:23.
An illustration of his face in profile (1:56) introduces our hero, John Barrymore. For more than a century, his family lived on and for the stage (2:30). From 2:39 to 3:07, scenes from various stage productions—including what appears to be blackface (3:01).
One of the leading actors of this time was Maurice Barrymore (3:08). His wife, Georgina Drew (3:17) was “a member of a legendary theatrical family.” They are parents to John Barrymore. Childhood portraits of John Barrymore and his siblings from 3:25. The young Barrymores dreamed of playing piano and painting.
Barrymore as a young man from 3:59. His somber artwork (4:18) may reflect his mental torment. His sister, Ethel, and brother, Lionel, are actors (4:33). At 21, John joins them (4:48).
Lionel introduces John to silent films (5:06), calling them “his most important discovery in an unremitting campaign against hard work.” John plays Raffles, gentleman jewel thief (5:27). After a brawl scene (5:43), Raffles jumps ship (5:58), evading gunfire (6:05). Swimming onshore, he gives his stolen jewels a kiss (6:09). At 6:30, his classic portrayal of Dr. Jekyll: a painful transformation into Hyde.
At 42, he falls in love with Michael Strange (7:29). They divorce after a quarrelsome marriage (7:32).
Barrymore returns to the theatre, playing demanding Shakespearean roles. A poster promotes “THE TRAGEDY OF RICHARD III” (7:49); another promoting “TRAGEDY OF HAMLET” (7:52). From 8:12, photos of wild-eyed Barrymore playing Hamlet, dramatic lighting. He performs the famous “To be, or not to be” soliloquy in a voiceover.
He returns to Hollywood. At 9:16, Barrymore as English dandy, Beau Brummell. Footage of the glittering Hollywood Boulevard at night, the flashing signs of El Capitan and Hotel Christie (9:37). From 9:40, a montage of musicians playing, revelers dancing, couples romancing—and abundant alcohol—representing the careless indulgence of the Roaring Twenties.
Barrymore temporarily escapes to the sea, near Southern California (9:55), playing with seals (10:12). From 10:38, Barrymore sailing with pet monkey, Clementine—the contents of his diary express hope for love.
In May of 1925, he meets Dolores Costello [while married to Blanche Marie Louise Oelrichs, aka Michael Strange] (11:03). They star together in “The Sea Beast” (11:18). Barrymore marries Costello [sveral years later, after divorcing Blanche] (11:53).
Barrymore in “Don Juan” from 12:16. High-action fencing including stunts (12:19). In the early 1930s, Barrymore begins to play grotesque villains. Barrymore plays the sinister Svengali (12:59), opposite young scene partner, Marian Marsh. Their story of unrequited love (13:37) perhaps reflecting Barrymore’s personal fears.
In “The Mad Genius,” Barrymore relays a life-long nightmare of nearly reaching heartbreaking happiness—just before being dragged ruthlessly down by a great claw (14:29). Barrymore drinks heavily and struggles emotionally (15:39). He brawls with actress Carole Lombard in madcap comedy, “Twentieth Century” (15:55).
In 1935, another divorce. Merely a year later, Barrymore meets 19-year-old Elaine Barrie (17:12). Barrie acts (17:34) in “How to Undress in Front of Your Husband” (17:39). At 18:07, they are together at a park, just married. Barrymore calls her “Madame Barrymore,” a name he hopes she’ll “have for a lifetime.” In less than a month, they begin to quarrel.
Spotlights at 18:51. It’s Barrymore’s imprint ceremony at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. His famous left-side profile is imprinted into the wet concrete by Sid Grauman (19:01). He wipes off his face (19:11).
Barrymore at an NBC radio studio (19:15), recording for Rudy Vallée’s show with Jane Withers. Too shaky to stand, he plays a cruel satirization of himself.
Barrymore is backstage at the theatre to play Hamlet once again (20:13). In an interview filmed the night before the Broadway opening, he seems incoherent, even drunk. (20:20). At 21:67, he shows off the “Barrymore Profile,” or “as much of it as is left” (21:46).
From 22:11, an overlay of young Barrymore over footage of an empty theatre, revealing a stage lit by a single spotlight, illuminating an actor not there. Barrymore as Hamlet in voiceover, as the curtains close (23:29) to dramatic timpani fanfare. On May 29, 1942, at the age of 60, John Barrymore is dead (23:40)
“The Progressive Paradise” of portland, oregon has some things in common with Seattle (and elsewhere)
[“Forget the 13%; Seattle recently broke a 44-year record for homicide, almost entirely courtesy of a black population representing only seven percent of the city.”]
By Jerry PDX
friday, december 29, 2023 at 11:58:00 p.m. est
Same here in the progressive paradise of pdx:
If you go through the list and subtract all the mex and negro-sounding names, the murder rate would be very low.
"Biden doj will NOT pursue second trial against Sam Bankman-Fried – democrats ALWAYS get a pass"
“Woe to those whose only right is their power!” The Story of Northern Segregationist John Kasper, and The Resistance He Led in Clinton, Tennessee (Disappeared History, Plus a New Postscript)
(Previously posted on August 9, 2018.)
The Tale of John Kasper
By Robert S. Griffin
When reading a biography of the Ezra Pound, one of the premier poets of the twentieth century, references to a man named John Kasper caught my eye.
According to Pound’s biographer, in 1950 Kasper, a twenty-year-old Columbia University student, wrote Pound, who was living in Washington, D.C., an adulatory letter saying that he had just written a term paper that compared Pound favorably to the great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Pound wrote back, and this began weekly correspondence between the two men. Kasper’s letters to Pound are contained in the Yale and Indiana University libraries (evidently, Kasper didn’t keep Pound’s letters) and are characterized by Pound’s biographer as “extraordinary.”
After Columbia, Pound’s biographer reports, Kasper opened a bookstore in the Greenwich Village area of New York City that stocked Pound’s writing. Eventually Kasper moved from New York City to Washington, primarily motivated, it appears, by the desire to be around Pound, whom he greatly admired. Kasper and Pound became quite close, to the point that Kasper has been described as a protégé of Pound’s. In any case, it seems clear that Kasper was strongly influenced by Pound’s political and social ideas; Pound was a white racial advocate, which included antagonism toward Jews.
Kasper started up a second bookstore in Washington and, with a partner, set up a publishing company that published some of Pound’s poetry, as well as that of other poets, among them, Charles Olson.
The motto of Kasper’s organization was “Honor-Pride-Fight: Save the White.”
Immediately following the 1954 Supreme Court decision in the Brown case outlawing racially segregated schools, Kasper organized the Seaboard White Citizens Council. The motto of Kasper’s organization was “Honor-Pride-Fight: Save the White.” Its avowed purpose was to prevent school integration in Washington. As it turned out, it wasn’t in Washington that Kasper fought school integration but rather in Tennessee. Pound’s biographer refers to the “dramatic events” in the town of Clinton, Tennessee around the integration of Clinton High School, and quotes an historian as saying that Kasper “had a large hand in the violence that plagued Tennessee in 1956 and 1957.”
My curiosity was piqued. Who’s this John Kasper? I asked myself? I’d been interested for the last decade in white racial consciousness and advocacy--which is what drew me to the Pound reading in the first place--but I’d never heard of John Kasper. Extraordinary letters? Dramatic events at Clinton High School? Violence in Tennessee in 1956 and ‘57? I knew about the trouble around the integration of Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957—in fact, I’d written about it—but I didn’t know anything about what went on in Tennessee. The Pound biography referred to something Kasper had written called “Segregation or Death”—I’d never heard of it.
It hit me that, much less Kasper, I didn’t know about any white racial activist who had traveled to the South to oppose desegregation. The only people I heard of went to the South in support of black civil rights—Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, who in 1964 were murdered in Mississippi, come to mind. Without really thinking about it, I just assumed that no Northerner would go to the South in support of segregation. Yet, evidently at least one person did, this John Kasper. That realization shook my basic sense of the history of those years that I had taken in from school and the media and held onto despite a good amount of experience and study this past decade that should have brought it into question: that the only people who opposed the black civil rights movement in the 1950s, desegregation of the schools included, were behind-the-times Southern locals.
I decided to look into this John Kasper and what went on in Tennessee back then. This is a report of what I’ve been able to find out and the meaning I’ve given it.
Clinton High School, in Clinton, Tennessee, which is just outside Knoxville, was scheduled to open for the new school year on Monday, August 27th, 1956. The previous year, the Clinton school board had announced its intention to “comply with any and all court mandates.”
Clinton High would be one of the first schools to be desegregated following the Brown decision. Virtually all whites in Clinton were opposed to racial mixing in the school, but they were resigned to the fact that it was going to happen.
Saturday afternoon, August 25th, 26-year-old John Kasper arrived in town in his battered old car from his home in Washington, D.C. Kasper was tall and clean-cut and wore a suit and tie. He immediately began buttonholing people on the street in town and going door to door handing out literature he’d put together on his organization, the Seaboard White Citizens Council—which I suspect was just him, really. He talked about what was going to happen on Monday at the high school and how it wasn’t right and that the people in town shouldn’t just passively go along with what had been imposed on them from afar. He said he was going to give a speech the next afternoon, Sunday, in front of the courthouse and invited people to attend and to tell their friends. That night, he slept in his car.
Sunday afternoon, a smattering of people showed up for Kasper’s speech. He was dressed in his suit and tie and was well spoken. He told those in attendance that integration was a leftist plot and would undermine the white race. They needed to stop school integration in Clinton, Kasper said. “We’re fighting, and you must fight with us.” He told his audience “people are superior to courts” and urged them to picket the high school and he encouraged students to stay away from classes. A Clinton resident who was in the audience that day recalls, “What I remember most about him is that he was so dedicated, so sincere about a project that struck me as being hopeless.”
Later that same day, Sunday, Clinton town officials met to decide what to do about Kasper. They tried to persuade him to leave town, and when that failed they had him arrested for vagrancy and inciting a riot and put in jail, where he spent the night.
Monday, the first day of school, with Kasper behind bars, a crowd of about fifty people gathered outside the high school to protest the enrollment of blacks for the first time. However, desegregation went off essentially without a hitch.
Tuesday, Kasper was tried and his case dismissed for want of evidence. He immediately went to the high school and told the principal to “run the Negroes off or resign.” He distributed signs he had put together demanding the principal’s resignation. He organized a picket line around the high school and recruited some white teenagers into what he called the Junior White Citizens Council. That night he gave a fiery speech to several hundred in the courthouse square.
Wednesday, a crowd of over 100 protesting whites—a mob, the media called them--gathered outside the high school. There were walkouts by white students, and white students chased and attacked black students. Out of fear of the protestors, or mob, whatever to call it, a number of black students slipped out of the back door of the school.
That night, another Kasper speech. This time, the crowd was 1,000. His speech was interrupted by a federal marshal, who served him with a court order temporarily restraining him from interfering with school integration and notifying him that there would be a hearing the next day on a permanent injunction. Kasper went right back to his speech. A member of the audience that night recalls that when Kasper spoke to the crowd, “he had eyes like you’d never forget.”
Thursday, with Kasper tied up at the hearing--which turned out to be a trial, actually--a crowd of 300 milled around the high school and shouted epithets and hurled tomatoes and stones at black students as they entered and left the school. A judge found Kasper guilty of contempt of a court order—there was no jury.
“Woe to those whose only right is their power. The wild grass will grow over their dead bodies.”
When the judge asked him if he had anything to say before sentencing, Kasper replied, “Stop the integration of Clinton High School.” The judge sentenced him to a year in prison. Before being taken off to jail, Kasper told the press, “Woe to those whose only right is their power. The wild grass will grow over their dead bodies.”
That night, the speeches were from representatives of the Tennessee Federation for Constitutional Government, a white advocacy organization that had come to Clinton after hearing about what was going on. Now the crowd was 1,500.
The crowd began shouting “We want Kasper!” A “rioting mob,” as the media called them, marched to the mayor’s house… and threatened to dynamite it.
Friday evening all hell broke loose. Asa (Ace) Carter, a white organizer and crowd-stirring orator who had come to town, gave a speech to the 2,000 in attendance attacking the Supreme Court, the NAACP, and the “carpetbagging judge” that had put Kasper in jail.
The crowd began shouting “We want Kasper!” A “rioting mob,” as the media called them, marched to the mayor’s house—he was friendly to school integration--and threatened to dynamite it.
Traffic was blocked on the major road running through Clinton and cars with blacks were stopped and tilted and windshields were smashed and air let out of tires. This went on until 1:00 a.m., with no arrests.
Saturday, September 1st, the Clinton board of alderman declared a state of emergency in Clinton. A 47-man auxiliary police force was formed and armed with shotguns and tear gas. The rally that night—3,000 in attendance—was sponsored by five white organizations that had gotten involved when they found out what was going on: The Tennessee Federation for Constitutional Government; the Pro-Southerners; the White Citizens Councils; the Tennessee Society to Maintain Segregation; and the States’ Rights Council of Tennessee. The newly formed posse, as the news accounts called it, marched in line until it came face-to-face with the whites who had gathered that night and told the crowd to disperse. The whites didn’t comply and there was a standoff. Three tear gas grenades exploded in the middle of the crowd, and it started to break up. Three more grenades got the job done.
[I]nto Clinton came 633 battle-equipped National Guardsmen, along with seven M-41 tanks and three armored personnel carriers.
The next day, Sunday, September 2nd, into Clinton came 633 battle-equipped National Guardsmen, along with seven M-41 tanks and three armored personnel carriers. The nightly rally was attempted again, but the crowd of 1,000 was dispersed by two platoons of guardsmen with fixed bayonets.
The week’s remarkable events in Clinton drew worldwide media coverage. “Officers and school officials alike,” the local newspaper reported, “blame most of the trouble on a 26-year-old Washington man named John Kasper.”
On Monday, the commander of the National Guard, General Henry, ordered public address systems and outdoor public speaking prohibited in Clinton, and pretty much things cooled down in town for the next few days.
Thursday, a judge granted Kasper the right to bail and issued him a permanent injunction against any further interference with desegregation. Two Clinton citizens put up the $10,000 bond and Kasper was released.
A couple of weeks later he was back in jail briefly and released on another bond for a Tennessee state charge of sedition and inciting a riot, with the trial date set for November.
The trial lasted two weeks. Kasper supporters packed the courtroom. On November 20th, amid cheers, Kasper was acquitted.
On the courthouse steps, he announced he would continue his fight against school integration.
“I’m a rabble-rouser, a trouble-maker. Some of us may die, I may die…. We went as far as we could legally. Now is the time to fight, even if it involves bloodshed.”
Kasper toured the South giving speeches. His message highlighted the dangers of miscegenation and included an anti-Jewish theme, as he declared the integration effort to be part of Jews’ “fanatical effort to subvert existing Gentile order everywhere.”
He told a Birmingham, Alabama audience, “I’m a rabble-rouser, a trouble-maker. Some of us may die, I may die. I’m not through up there [in Tennessee]. It may mean going back to jail, but I’m going back to fight. We went as far as we could legally. Now is the time to fight, even if it involves bloodshed.” On another occasion, he declared, “I say that integration can be reversed. It has got to be a pressure like a stick of dynamite and you throw in their laps and let them catch it, and then they can do what they want with it, but let them worry about it.”
Over the next year, Kasper was in and out of jails in Clinton, Nashville, and Knoxville. He was jailed for vagrancy, loitering, disorderly conduct, inciting a riot, and for “unlawful acts of trespass, boycott, picket, and interference with the free operation of the schools.” “I’ll never desert the white race in Tennessee until the outcome of our struggle is crystal clear and spells victory over the race mongrelizers,” he declared. “I have been interested all my life in the purity of the races. I do not hate Negroes, but I believe that for the progress of the white and Negro races this is best accomplished by segregated institutions.”
Shortly after midnight on the opening day of school on September 10th, 1957, a dynamite blast demolished a wing of a newly integrated elementary school in Nashville. Kasper, who had talked of “the shotgun, dynamite, and rope,” was suspected of the crime, but no evidence linking him, or anyone else, to the bombing was ever found. He was also a suspect in a series of synagogue bombings in the South, but was not charged in those crimes.
Late in 1957 Kasper was convicted of the federal charge of conspiracy and spent eight months in federal prisons in Florida and Georgia. Kasper referred to himself as a “political prisoner” and said that his federal imprisonment had been the result of “jewspaper lies.”
At a "welcome out" party when released from the penitentiary in Atlanta, he declared that both the Republicans and Democrats were committed to integration and the destruction of the white race, and that the country needed a third party. “The answer to the integration problem,” he asserted, “lies in a return to Constitutionalism.” He then went to Nashville for a trial on riot agitation in that city, for which he spent six months in the workhouse.
[N.S.: The “workhouse” was an institution founded for dealing with troublesome slaves.]
As for Clinton, there were sporadic demonstrations and protests—including a return visit and speech from Kasper—and random violence. The Tennessee Federation for Constitutional Government tried to halt desegregation in Clinton by state court injunction. However, the Tennessee State Supreme Court ruled against that petition, declaring “the question is fully foreclosed by the United States Supreme Court.” Early on a Sunday morning in April of 1959, three dynamite blasts reduced Clinton High School to rubble. No one was hurt due to the timing of the blast, and the perpetrators were never apprehended.
The media coverage throughout this period painted a very negative picture of Kasper and the cause he represented. An example, a 1957 Time magazine article defined the issue involving Kasper as “racist passion on the one hand and appeal to law and order on the other.” It depicted Kasper as an “interloper,” “meddling,” “a preening cock,” “an emotional idiot,” and a “screwball,” and the article trafficked in the rumor that when he lived in New York he “kept company with a Negro girl,” in order to discredit him.
A recent Knoxville newspaper account looking back on the events in Clinton refers to Kasper’s physical appearance as “rodent-like.” I was struck by that characterization because it was reminiscent of something that I had just read in a biography of ballet impresario Lincoln Kirstein. In 1965, Kirstein, a New Yorker, traveled to Selma, Alabama to participate in the black grievance march from Selma to the state capital in Montgomery. Kirstein was quoted as describing disapproving whites along the march route as “rat-faced” (not far from “rodent-like”), as well as “snake-faced,” “fox-faced,” and “pig-faced.”
In 1964, Kasper was on the ballot as the presidential candidate of the National States Rights Party. He ran unsuccessfully for state representative in Tennessee. I wasn’t able to find out much about what happened to him from there on, and nothing I feel any degree of certainty about. I think he lived in Nashville until 1967 and then moved back up North and dropped out of public activity. He married and had children and worked a series of office jobs. Social security records indicate that he died in 1998 at the age of 68.
“You may not see it but some day a statue will be erected on this courthouse lawn to John Kasper.”
It took some doing, but I was able to find the writing that was mentioned in the Pound biography, “Segregation or Death.” It was an article by Kasper in the May 1957 Virginia Spectator magazine. It was part of a “Jim Crow” theme issue that was moderated by the novelist William Faulkner.
Around this same time, Kasper produced a pamphlet with this same title and material for his Seaboard White Citizens Council that I was also able to obtain. Excerpts from the article:
Any man who fails to distinguish between this thing and that thing may be called ignorant and lacking in reverence. Distinctions come from awareness; they come from respect for intelligence and the process of intelligence.During that tumultuous first week in Clinton, one of the speakers at an evening rally that Kasper couldn’t attend because he was in jail was retired admiral John Crommelin, who had traveled from Alabama to be there. “You may not see it,” Crommelin told the crowd, “but some day a statue will be erected on this courthouse lawn to John Kasper.”
Only an imbecile or a liar will deny the validity of race, the separate and distinct races of mankind.
He who denies race also denies the important qualities of individuals, as both race and individuality are qualities of the blood, not language, environment, or common living space.
Both individuals and race are products of Nature. He who denies race denies the power of intelligence, imagination, and creative power in the individual; perhaps most important: individual courage.
We affirm that all movement in history, the historical process, results from race and personal character. In the flow and surge of mankind there is only the inborn natures of men, and the devotion that they give to the inborn nature. War, economic struggle, art, and benevolent thought are only expressions of the inborn nature of man.
The penalty exacted by Nature for ignoring abundant life and continuing generations, carefully delineated along fixed geographical and racial limits, is eventual sterility, physical weakness and sloth, and finally effacement from life’s intricate patterns.
While denying race in one breath, the race fanatics are helping themselves to the loot and bounty of the thousand-year-old civilizations of all races and nationalities to benefit exclusively their own race, the Jewish.
We will not yield segregation as the only known means, proven by all historical evidence, for keeping blood-lines pure, races vital, individuals self-respecting, and diverse people living in mutual harmony and understanding. We will not fail in this struggle, even in death.
Of course, no statue of John Kasper has been erected in Clinton or anywhere else. Kasper was vilified and punished at the time, and then discarded down the memory hole of history—very few in our time know about him and what he did over a half century ago. As we conventionally look at things, the person the audience listening to Kasper’s speech that first night in Clinton was right: his cause was hopeless, and he failed. John Kasper was no match for the government and the military and the media. Clinton High school was desegregated, as were the other schools in East Tennessee. The vast majority of people think that was a good thing, and those who know about him think that John Kasper was a misguided and foolish and bad man. I’ll let readers of this writing make their own call about that. What I’ll offer here is that, whatever the merits of Kasper’s outlook and actions, he was in significant ways an admirable man in those years. And even more fundamentally, in those years John Kasper was a man, period—John Kasper was a man.
John Kasper put himself out there, he acted, he took risks, and that’s admirable. Ezra Pound said about Kasper, “Well, at least he’s a man of action, and doesn’t sit around looking at his navel.” Just twenty-six years old, John Kasper packed his suit and the literature he had printed up and got in his car and drove alone to Clinton, Tennessee. He could have stayed home, but he didn’t stay home.
I define integrity as living in alignment with your most cherished beliefs and engaging what you consider to be the most important things. John Kasper had integrity.
To me, courage is doing what is right whatever the consequences and in spite of apprehension and fear. Kasper had to know that he was going to get attacked hard for what he was about to do, and he did get attacked hard, and he had to be scared, and yet he went forward anyway. John Kasper had courage.
The French writer, Albert Camus, wrote about the Greek myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus rolled a large rock toward the top of a mountain only to have it fall back down the mountain—he didn’t get the rock to the top, he didn’t succeed. Sisyphus rolled the rock back up the mountain, and it rolled back down again. And he rolled it back up the mountain. . . and again . . . and again . . . and again . . . and again.
Camus saw the Sisyphus myth as symbolic of the absurdity and futility of our lives. I’ll put it in a more positive light.
One way to look at the Sisyphus myth is as a metaphor for our existential challenge as human beings: what makes us human, what makes us a man (and of course I’m talking about both men and women), is to roll the rock—the right things, the most important things—up the mountain, even if we never get it to the top. And indeed we may never get it to the top. We are not omnipotent. Circumstances are often bigger than we are. And sometimes there are few who will help us, and sometimes no one will help us. But still, we can still keep rolling the rock as long as we can. That’s what
makes us a man. John Kasper was a man.
So important to us personally, even if we can’t roll the rock to the top, and no matter what happens to us while we try, rolling our particular rock—everybody’s rock isn’t the same—is the way to achieve happiness in the sense of a pervasive satisfaction with one’s life. As Camus put it, “The struggle itself is enough to fill man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
As difficult and debilitating as I’m sure those years were for Kasper, I speculate that, deep down, they were also years of personal gratification for him, even peace. It perhaps got to the point where he just couldn’t go on any longer—we all have limits—but still, I’ll bet that, amid it all, he was basically happy while it was happening.
In May and June, 2007, whites gathered in Knoxville to protest the savage rape, mutilation, and murder of two young white people by blacks…
In May and June, 2007, whites gathered in Knoxville to protest the savage rape, mutilation, and murder of two young white people by blacks. The Knoxville rallies took place just a few miles from the events in Clinton over a half-century ago.
[N.S., postscript, december 30, 2023: A gang of racist blacks did indeed carjack, kidnap, gang rape, torture and murder White sweethearts Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom on January 6-7, 2007 in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Lemaricus Davidson, his half-brother Letalvis Cobbins, George Thomas and Eric Boyd committed all of the crimes. Vanessa Coleman and two additional, as yet unnamed perpetrators also committed the rapes, tortures, and murders. (The Knox County chief medical examiner, Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan, M.D., PhD., was able to identify two additional dna profiles of rapists. Jamie Satterfield of the Knoxville News Sentinel lied about this, and asserted that the additional dna profiles were produced merely through the admixture of Davidson and Cobbins' semen, a biological impossibility.)
However, the racist criminals did not mutilate Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom's bodies, though they burned Newsom's corpse after murdering him. The false story, whereby the killers had cut off one of Christian's breasts and Newsom's penis was in wide circulation. I was able to track said hoax back to Hal Turner. Neo-Nazi Hal Turner was an FBI informant. However, as is so often the case, the feds stabbed Turner in the back, and railroaded him into federal prison.
So far, Davidson, Cobbins, Thomas, Coleman and Boyd have been convicted and imprisoned for their participation in the racist atrocity I dubbed the Knoxville Horror in 2007, and yet justice has not been meted out to any of them, not to mention the other two kidnapper-rapist-murderers.]
I’m taken by the last sentence in the excerpts from Kasper’s writing in “Segregation or Death” that I quoted above:
“We will not fail in this struggle, even in death.” He used the word “we”—to him, this wasn’t just his struggle. And when he talked about being successful “even in death,” I took that to mean that he viewed the struggle he had taken on as not ending when he was worn out or ground down—with his spiritual death—or with his literal death.
Others would follow him, and still others would follow them. The struggle for the existence and well-being of white people was, in Kasper’s eyes, an historical struggle, a struggle for the ages. What he was doing was what he could while he had the gift of life and the wherewithal to keep rolling the rock.
In May and June, 2007, whites gathered in Knoxville to protest the savage rape, mutilation, and murder of two young white people by blacks and the media’s underreporting of this particular crime and the extent of black-on-white violent crime generally.
The Knoxville rallies took place just a few miles from the events in Clinton over a half-century ago. One of the Knoxville protestors at the May rally carried a sign that said “Diversity=Death,” which reminded me of “Segregation or Death.” I wondered how many people gathered in Knoxville those days knew about what had taken place nearby those many years ago, or about John Kasper, who had died nine years before.
From every source, insistent messages come through to white people who care about the fate of their race: “History isn’t about you.” “You are an anomaly.” “Nothing preceded you and nothing will follow you.” “Everything you care about has been resolved; keep quiet and get with the program.”
But none of that is valid, and knowing about Kasper, and others like him, will show that. The protestors in Knoxville entered history in 2007, just as John Kasper entered history in his time. The Knoxville protestors weren’t anomalies: others of their kind had preceded them, and others of their kind will follow them. And as a matter of fact, everything hasn’t been resolved, and racially conscious whites are not going to keep quiet, and they are not going to go along with the program.
And they won’t fail, even in death.
1. E. Fuller Torrey, The Roots of Treason: Ezra Pound and the Secrets of St. Elizabeths (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984).
2. Two major sources of the account that follows: Benjamin Muse, Ten Years of Prelude: The Story of Integration Since the Supreme Court’s 1954 Decision (New York: Viking Press, 1964); and Jack Neely, “The Poet, the Bookseller, and the Clinton Riots,” Metro Pulse (a Knoxville, Tennessee weekly newspaper), month and day uncertain, 2006.
3. “Victory for Little Bob,” Time, August 25, 1957.
4. John Kasper, “Segregation or Death,” Virginia Spectator, May 1957.
Robert S. Griffin’s latest book is Living White: Writings on Race, 2000-2005. His web site is
Addendum: Related Works by Raymond Wolters, and John Kasper’s FBI Files
By Nicholas Stix
Raymond Wolters
“Constitutional History, Social Science, and Brown v. Board of Education 1954–1964,” Part I: “The Historical and Social Science Evidence”;
Part II: “The Continuing Controversy”;
“Hear America’s Last Living, Honest Historian of Race: Raymond Wolters’ 2004 Lecture, ‘Fifty Years Since Brown v. Board of Education’”;
“New Book on Race Only Gets Two Topics Wrong”;
“Was Charles Darwin a Genocidal, White Supremacist?!”;
“Historian of Race Raymond Wolters’ ‘Road to Damascus’”;
Raymond Wolters. The Burden of Brown: Thirty Years of School Desegregation (University of Tennessee Press: Knoxville, 1984, 1992);
Raymond Wolters. Race and Education, 1954-2007 (University of Missouri Press: Columbia and London, 2008); and
Raymond Wolters. The Long Crusade: Profiles in Education Reform, 1967-2014 (Washington Summit Press: Whitefish, MT, 2015)
John Kasper’s FBI Files
- FBI headquarters files part 1
- FBI headquarters files part 1-1
- FBI headquarters files part 2
- FBI headquarters files part 2-2
- FBI headquarters files part 3
- FBI headquarters files part 3-3
- FBI headquarters files part 4
- FBI headquarters files part 4-4
- FBI headquarters files part 5
- FBI headquarters files part 6
- FBI headquarters files part 7
- FBI headquarters files part 8
- FBI headquarters files part 9
- FBI headquarters files part 10
- FBI headquarters files part 11
- FBI headquarters files part 12
- FBI headquarters files part 13
- FBI headquarters files part 14
- FBI headquarters files part 15
- FBI headquarters files part 16
- FBI headquarters files part 17
- FBI headquarters files EBF18
- FBI headquarters files EBF49
- FBI headquarters files EBF321
- Knoxville office files part 1
- Knoxville office files part 2
- NYC office files part 1
By Anonymous
Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 7:36:00 PM EDT
"One of the Knoxville protestors at the May rally carried a sign that said 'Diversity=Death,' which reminded me of 'Segregation or Death.'"
Wasn't the FBI controlled agitator and apparent agent provocateur Hal Turner behind the May Rally?
N.S.: Hal Turner had a big hand in it. Whether he was "behind it," I do not know.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 8:56:00 PM EDT
Esquire Rants Against Ingraham's,"White Supremacy Monologue".
GRA:I watched it as she spoke passionately and was surprised by the tenor,but beyond the words spoken,what does it mean? FOX hosts seem to shift back and forth like a small sailboat in a cyclone. I've already detailed Tucker Carlson's tendency to cave in when even mildly accused of a pro-white thought. Ingraham should say the same thing every night without apology. Esquire, on its high horse, has gleefully pointed out "a white supremacist," but to what end? What's the bottom line of complaining about Ingraham?
Is it to punish her? Have her fired? Probably. But also to put others on notice, "not to slip up and tell the truth--or Esquire will attempt to start a feeding frenzy aimed at ending your career."
Esquire themselves make the great point of why we are even discussing this. It comes down to one question, based on the premise: For two hundred years America was 95% white or more. Does the (white) race that created and shaped that country have the right to decide if "The United States of America" should STAY majority white, or let itself be obliterated off the map by minorities and foreigners (and would THAT country still be America?) Esquire thinks the latter should occur (except its liberal white writers should be spared,of course) and yes, it WOULD BE America--Central America, South America, Muslim America and Africa/America--but not the United States of America as was originally founded.
This is what the politics and arguments come down to--from this point forward.
--GR Anonymous
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- Now I want one as well...
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- how new yorkers celebrate Christmas now: raceless,...
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About Me
- Nicholas
- I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance. Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.