Wednesday, December 27, 2023

war crime, and aiding and abetting in Jackson heights, queens: raceless, faceless, nameless perp committed hammer attack; abc eyewitness news has refused to report anything about the perp that the public could use to track him down, or even avoid him!

By "W"
wednesday, december 27, 2023 at 01:35:50 p.m.

nyc: no description of alleged perp in hammer attack

always trying to protect the guilty party and place members of the public in more danger

N.S.: "no arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing."

The hell, it is. They refused to describe the attacker. That tells me that he's black, and the vics are either White or asian. If he were White, you know they'd say so. And because they refused to report his description, they are aiding and abetting him.

Such attacks are not about "road rage." I am convicned that "road rage" is yet another euphemism for war crimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My local station uses the phrase that police used to use as a motto"We're here to serve and protect".

Except it's only blacks,nowadays.