Wednesday, November 22, 2023

See the Entire Profiles in Courage TV Series for Free! (Video)

wednesday, november 22, 2023 at 3:27:00 a.m. est

The entire Profiles in Courage tv series is available here:

Unfortunately, the video quality isn’t so great, which is a shame, as this is a high-quality series. Uniquely, it seems to have been made as a tribute to JFK, and probably wasn’t intended to last more than one season (1964-65).

The other historical series on this channel, The Great Adventure, is also very well-made and worth seeing.-RM

Profiles in Courage: "Opening Theme"

Profiles in Courage (Episode 1): "Oscar W. Underwood"


Anonymous said...

Anti-KKK,as the first part of the Underwood show makes clear(that's all I watched).How many of the shows had the same theme?Or pro-black propaganda?

Would they make a tv series today that was anti-blm?


That's the answer.

Anonymous said...

Mostly nonsense. To extent that JFK agreed with the content of the book he wrote the book. Man never wrote a book or an essay or a speech in his life time.

Anonymous said...

I got no use for JFK - and something like this, well, ha-ha, they're your team, Johnny boy.

Anonymous said...

Why don't writers,who aspire to being courageous,take the lesser traveled path of being pro-White--or at least impartial--when it comes to black behavior and what to do about it?

THAT would qualify as a "Profile in Courage" these days.

Could you imagine Norah O'Donnell reading from the NSU headlines?

She wouldn't make it out of "cbs's" studios alive--unless Whites showed up to defend her.

That,however,is what someone "big" must do to put an end to the rapid descent of the U.S.(and they'd better be White.)