Saturday, April 08, 2023

Walmart becomes Walbot: retailer is converting 65% of its stores to “automation” – human employees will be let go, but human shoppers are welcome!

By A Texas Reader
sat, apr 8, 2023 10:36 a.m.

Walmart converting 65% of its stores to "automation" – human employees will be let go

Yep, 'tis true.

The Walmart on coit road in nearby plano was remodeled recently.

Almost all of the checkout stations are self-serve now.

Appears to be in the dozens.

Went there, as I had to buy antifreeze recently for my car.

Cheapest price at Walmart and not autozone, target, or amazon.

Grabbed a jug of anti-freeze, schlepped to the front of the store, and checked out in well under a minute.

Scanned product, shoved jug under scanner "eye," plugged credit card into POS, grabbed receipt, and walked out to car.

Took me longer to park than check out.

Automation is a tsunami that cannot be stopped.

So, what will the elites do to handle the massive changes that are forthcoming?


Per the usual.


Anonymous said...

With all the extra profits,they'd better create a fund with other similar pro-robot crazy companies,to start shipping monthly checks--yes,guaranteed monthly income--or the floyd riots will be an everyday occurrence--and the first place to be ransacked will be Walmart.


Anonymous said...

I stopped shopping at Walmart at least ten years ago. Walmart pressures companies to out source to China to provide cheaper prices--this strengthens China, funding their military build-up. And it reduces American jobs. Unlike Henry Ford who increased pay so workers could buy his cars, companies like Walmart don't care if they reduce American workers to poverty--these creeps have their money and the hell with Americans. When I have a choice I buy American products or if nothing is available, I prefer to buy from other countries like Taiwan.
The way things are going the elites will live in their luxury gated villages, there will be a small white collar class, and the rest will be reduce to poverty.

Anonymous said...

With scanners and bar codes auto checkout is of course feasible - for groceries, weighing of produce is an issue - but even there newer scanners may be able to optically recognize what's being purchased, so the customer doesn't even have to select what is being weighed - it takes far fewer employees to watch over a row of auto checkout locations than to run a full array of traditional checkout lanes, even with an increasingly stupid population.

But anyone familiar with a site the 'People of Walmart' can imagine the potential problems ...

Anonymous said...

With only a couple people overseeing self service checkout,the possibility(probability)of mispricing items by customers is massive.

With non-barcoded items,veggies,fruit,you weigh and make your own barcode label. Lighten up the weight and you have very cheap pears,avacados,peaches etc .That can't be all fraudsters can do though to cut their bills.I don't know if these customer created plastic stripped barcodes can cover up(and neutralize) store placed barcodes to facilitate the lowering of price.A pound of hamburg with a barcode created for bananas placed over it could theoretically cut your price from $7.00 a pound of hamburg to 18 cents.As long as the bottom barcode is covered up,why wouldn't it work?A slight tear in the store barcode would render it useless, allowing for a new customer created barcode to replace it with a phony price. With little oversight,self service checkout seems like a financial loser for big grocery stores.


Anonymous said...

Bar-Code Scam at Wal-Mart: A Matter of Priorities
By Evan Schuman -January 5, 2005.

GRA:Anything I think up,has been going on for years.Case in point,the above article that demonstrates rampant barcode manipulation was happening 18 years ago.Crooks don't walk out with items,they change the price of them.But in 2005,customer created barcodes weren't around. Those have only been present the past 2-3 years at the Meijers stores I shop at.The loss of revenue must be mind boggling when retail crooks work their magic to it's full extent.

Now,with automated checkout reaching new levels,it seems absurd for the stores to proceed with it.