Wednesday, April 19, 2023

unhinged, raceless, southwest passenger removed from plane after racist rant directed at parents of crying toddler; asserts that if toddler were black, flight attendants would have made it stop

By A Texas Reader
wed, apr 19, 2023 11:12 p.m.

"unhinged southwest passenger removed from plane after bizarre rant directed at parents of crying toddler; suggests if toddler were black, flight attendants would have made it stop"

I dated a woman many years ago who had worked as a flight attendant for a small, Texas-based airline.

The woman told me that babies cry on planes because they cannot equalize the pressure in their ears.

The babies simply do not know how to. You or I would simply yawn, or otherwise "pop" our ears. Babies cannot do this. Plus, babies' eustachian tubes are very small in diameter. This aggravates the pressure build-up in their ears. But this guy could not refrain from manifesting his sense of entitlement.


Anonymous said...

He "looks like" your da,Alvin(and the nigmunks) Bragg.

.Slightly thinner,I believe.


Anonymous said...

An incessantly crying baby on a flight can be a miserable experience. But most adults realize there is nothing you can do (other than put on headphones if available).

Perhaps personnel could have politely asked a parent to accompany them to a location on the plane where the noise would disturb fewer passengers while they attempted to soothe the child.

Anonymous said...

Another out-of-control black. The worse case I saw was a black woman at a railroad crossing. There were several cars stopped because a long train was crossing the road. This black woman honed her horn incessantly and stuck her head out the car window and screamed non-stop curse words. There was no place for the cars in front of her to go so she accomplished nothing, but she continued to vent her anger at being stopped.