Saturday, April 22, 2023

thug who shot 6-year-old girl and family in north Carolina was freed on bond in sledgehammer attack (video)

By A Texas Reader
sat, apr 22, 2023 3:20 p.m.

thug who shot 6-year-old girl and family in north Carolina was freed on bond in sledgehammer attack

Peter Gabriel: "Sledgehammer"


Anonymous said...

A sledgehammer? Let me see now. Black like bricks and hammers. Blacks also fling chairs [cheers] around. N0w sledgehammers.

Anonymous said...

"A basketball rolled into his yard,so he shot the White father and the 6 year old.The father somehow has pulled through(so far) with bullet wounds in his ribs,abdomen and liver.

You live NEAR a nig and this is what could happen--out of nowhere.