Wednesday, April 12, 2023

the oxygen channel has an episode on the racist, 1974 Ogden, Utah Hi-Fi mass murders on their violent minds: killers on tape show

[“Ogden, Utah Hi-Fi Murders Revisited: One of the Most Obscene Black Racist Atrocities of the Past 100 Years”; and

“The REELZ Channel is Airing an Episode on the Ogden, Utah Hi-Fi Murders, a Racist Torture-Mass Murder, on Tuesday, April 10!”]

By David in TN
wednesday, april 12, 2023 at 4:35:00 p.m. edt

The oxygen channel has an episode on the 1974 Ogden, Utah “Hi-Fi murders” on their “violent minds: killers on tape” show.

The episode was on last weekend. I saw it. It repeats on the oxygen channel late thursday night at 1 a.m. ET and again sunday morning, april 16 at 8:30 a.m. ET.

The show is supposed to tell the “motive” but never does, of course. The “ringleader,” Dale Pierre Selby “admitted the violence was unnecessary.” It mainly consists of taped interviews by a “clinical psychologist.”

Selby, incidentally, was an “immigrant” from Trinidad, of all places. He had been in the United States “only since 1969 or 1970.” Why was he in the Air Force?

The show details the crime and the horrors inflicted on the victims. There is no mention of the Utah naacp’s support for the killers.

Five years ago, an anonymous reader commented,

“As was mentioned these bad guys were airmen at the local air force base [Hill?]. It would be interesting to see if any of the bad guys had been TDY [temporary duty] and where they had been for TDY, and if in any of those locales they suffered similar unexplained and unsolved murders.”

N.S.: A different anonymous reader stated that the killers were suspects in at least two other murders, including one of an airman, but that prosecutors felt they had insufficient evidence to charge them. The air force sergeant that Selby had previously murdered was named Edward Jefferson. Another victim, Cortney Naisbitt, initially survived but died 28 years later, at the age of 44, surely from his wounds. Thus, Naisbitt’s murder never entered the homicide statistics.

An extensive article on this atrocity was available for years at the crime library, but corporate powers dedicatede to the erasure of knowledge about crime not only had the entire crime library deleted, but also made it impossible to access it through the wayback machine.



Anonymous said...

Since 1974,Whites have changed--blacks have not.The summary of the last 50 years.


Anonymous said...

"It would be interesting to see if any of the bad guys had been TDY [temporary duty] and where they had been for TDY, and if in any of those locales they suffered similar unexplained and unsolved murders.”"

Go look up Eddie Leonski the brown-out strangler from WW2. Terrorized Australia during the war. Might have committed similar crimes USA before going overseas.

Military men move around a lot. Hard to investigate murder cases when a military man moves so much. The Zebra Killer might have been such a person.