Friday, April 07, 2023

tennessee house expels two members who led protests on the chamber's floor

N.S.: It was very wise. The gop has been guilty of spinelessness, when it hasn't been guilty of allyship with black supremacists for over 60 years. Paul Mirengoff makes the case for expulsion, but then switches to a non sequitur opposing expulsion, because he's a perfect goper coward.

I'm sure that in South Africa 60 years ago, after bomb-throwing terrorist Nelson Mandela was sentenced to justice, some White leaders made the very same argument as Mirengoff, which led to Nelson Mandela's sentence being commuted to life until parole, and White South Africans--and indeed, the entire world--being cheated out of justice. How did that turn out?

No wonder nobody takes the gop seriously, and racial socialists steal elections from its voters without fear.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul and Bill from Ringside at the Reckoning <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 7, 2023 2:05 p.m.

tennessee house expels two members who led protests on the chamber's floor

Tennessee House expels two members who led protests on the chamber's floor.


Anonymous said...

Not just two members--two nig*er members,one of whom thinks he's a combination mlk and obama in speaking style.Try to catch an earful of him--the blacks do know how to bullsh*t.


Anonymous said...

Harvey Levin just flat pointed out the obvious--two blacks tossed,the White bigmouth woman stayed(lol).

blacks:But aren't you going to quit to support our cause?

Fat White woman:And give up my paycheck?You ARE dumb nigs.

My local news had this as the #2 story at noon--trying to rile up people in favor of the blacks.My station also showed one of the Tennesse GOP voting to throw them out WAS black!He made a speech in favor of expulsion.

But the SJWs see what they want.


Anonymous said...

" took over the well of the chamber and used a megaphone to lead a pro-gun-legislation protest."

Blacks like megaphones. Blacks like to hear themselves shout and scream their inane notions so that no one else can be heard. Or chant slogans too.

Add megaphones to the list of things blacks like. Along with bricks, hammers, and "cheers".