Thursday, April 20, 2023

"study" asserts pregnant black women are drug tested more often than their White counterparts, suggests racism is to blame

By A  Texas Reader
wed, apr 19, 2023 8:49 p.m.

study finds pregnant black women are drug tested more often than their White counterparts

is the drug testing free?

If so, why complain?

Don't blacks want healthy, illegitimate babies as much as unmarried White women do?


Anonymous said...

"The sun rises on the White guy's house FIRST--dat's racist."

--simple philosophy of blacks on racism

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Do they have higher rates of drug abuse? Do they find drugs being passed on to black babies at higher rates than White ones? It's kind of like blacks getting stopped more by cops, they commit far more crime and are more likely to break traffic laws. Doesn't matter there might be a legit reason why this happens more to them, it's still raaaaciiist...

Anonymous said...

While they are pregnant they drink booze, smoke, use drugs. Bad diet too. Never seek help with any problem during a pregnancy until it is too late.

Anonymous said...

They complain about drug testing, then complain that black women have the very highest rates of infant mortality.

Anonymous said...

I worked at a store once where a pregnant young black lady would come in and buy a big can of malt liquor and a pack of Newports every day.

She lived with her parents down the street. Her dad used to come in a lot too, and we had a good rapport. I felt kind of dorky about it, but I wasn't exactly excited about helping her poison her baby, and one day I told her dad what she was buying.

I didn't see her for about a week after that. Then one day she came in with her boyfriend, presumably the father of the baby. The guy was huge, about 6'4" and 280. He didn't say anything, but he made a big presentation of buying a big can of malt liquor and a pack of Newports and handing them to her. She had the basic decency to look ashamed, although she still took them.

He was obviously pretty satisfied with himself. I guess he really showed me!