Wednesday, April 12, 2023

'special' service: declassified guantanamo court filing suggests some 9/11 hijackers were cia agents

Wed, Apr 12, 2023 11:02 pm Wow! Just wow! Just kidding. Same old shit. Different day. Say, about the grassy knoll.… This was originally published by Global Look Press, but google refusesw to link to it.


Anonymous said...

They'd give up their lives to blow up two buildings in NY?The Pentagon and maybe the White House?
Nahhh,liberals aren't that self-sacrificing.


Anonymous said...

"two of the hijackers were being closely monitored by the CIA and may, wittingly or not, have been recruited by Langley long before they flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings."

Wittingly or unwittingly? False flag recruitment? Saudi recruited them all the while working for USA? It is so unclear to me. But these bad guys were not even being watched?

That Malaysian connection I find to be weird. Those two Malaysian airliners in a short period one disappeared and one shot down. Unique?