Sunday, April 02, 2023

Ricky Vaughn Convicted in federal court of Writing Funny Memes; He Could Get Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison, without Having Broken Any Laws (news from the totalitarian u.s.)

By ​Citizen of a Silly Country
April 1, 2023

Douglass Mackey, who used to tweet under the name Ricky Vaughn, has been convicted of conspiring to deny people their right to vote in the 2016 election, because he wrote funny memes.

Anyone who still believes that we live in a country based on the constitution needs to give up that foolish fantasy now.

Best to avoid the system as much possible and start building our own. We’re never going back to the America of the 20th century.

By Dmon
April 1, 2023

To @Citizen of a Silly Country

Glad you brought that up.

Here is the official press release from the u.s. attorney’s office in edny:

“Douglass Mackey, also known as ‘Ricky Vaughn,’ was convicted today by a federal jury in brooklyn of the charge of conspiracy against rights stemming from his scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote. The verdict followed a one-week trial before united states district judge Ann M. Donnelly. When sentenced, Mackey faces a maximum of 10 years in prison.”

And here is the official definition of conspiracy against rights:

“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

So WTF? Where are the co-conspirators? Can you conspire with yourself? Jack D.? Anybody? BTW, it sure looks like any antifa member blocking a freeway is liable for 10 years. Seems pretty clear-cut.


Anonymous said...

Jerry pdx
They can track every nsu reader straight to their homes and families. It's really just a matter of time. Better be prepared.

Anonymous said...

Correct. Two or more persons. Ricky is a single person I assume.

"Best to avoid the system as much possible and start building our own. We’re never going back to the America of the 20th century."

Exactly so. Hunker down, keep low profile, plan for the future. Take care of # 1, get all your affairs in order as you think fit. Especially if you are a senior citizen.

Anonymous said...

>without Having Broken Any Laws (news from the totalitarian u.s.)

Yeah, OK, sure -- obviously he was charged with violating statutes/laws, in this case against depriving someone of their 'rights' blah blah, as was pointed out to him -- this Breitbart article gives a pretty good summary, including an example of someone who aimed the same meme at Trump supporters but who wasn't charged:

It's also worth reading the judge's opinion rejecting Mackey's 1A defense -- it also goes into the conspiracy aspect:

Regarding a conspiracy, anyone who retweeted the meme could theoretically be seen as part of the conspiracy to deprive dumb niggers of their right to vote, but they arrested and charged Mackey as the presumed creator of the meme.

The case was bullshit of course, another malicious prosecution. It springs from nigger worship, because actually anyone dumb enough to have fallen for that vote by text message meme (who else but Blacks?, who are also are incapable of providing ID to vote) is too dumb to be voting in the first place, so he was actually performing a public service -- see the comment here:

Eugene Volokh congratulates the prosecutors who pursued this frivolous, made up, malicious case:

[Congratulations to prosecutors Erik D. Paulsen, F. Turner Buford, and William J. Gullotta, who won the conviction.]

Volokh is a Jew, and another reminder of why you should never trust a libertarian.

I can't imagine there is more than one person who calls himself 'Citizen of a Silly Country' -- came across him before, and he was upset that I made a demographic argument about Blacks, and did not treat them all as individuals, which made me a racist -- so he is clearly an idiot, the kind of person who does not understand an aggregate demographic argument, or the concept of per capita.

Anonymous said...

Keep away from certain demographics as best you can. Difficult I know but try.