Sunday, April 09, 2023

RFK, Jr. on central bank digital currency (cbdcs)

sun, apr 9, 2023 4:57 p.m.

RFK, Jr. on cbdcs

They will track you.

But not millions of illegal aliens.

Ed Dowd has talked about cbdcs, too.

Saturday Forum | Letters
05/15/09 - A Californi...

For example, they all share a devotion to open borders, permanent war and ardently support nafta and free trade, massive expansions of the surveillance state, the welfare state and the warfare states.


Anonymous said...

RFK Jr.,being against vaccines--that by itself--will get him censored,with no coverage by media.

I wonder what a President RFK would be like.I haven't done any research on say,his website,but he'd probably make Biden look conservative,by comparison,is a guess.

One of these days I'll have to amble over there and find out.

Anonymous said...

I don't think RFK Jr. Has much of a chance of winning. But he can shake things up a lot and do a lot of good just by his running and not giving Biden a free ride. Biden the worst President in my lifetime. I always thought Carter was the worst but Biden beats him easy.