Thursday, April 20, 2023

More on the home depot war crime

War crime victim Blake Mohs, and his fiancée, Kasey Silligman

war criminals Benicia Knapps and David Guillory


Anonymous said...

Did the crime in the presence of a small child. That is an aggravated offense. I can only imagine the brouhaha if shots were exchanged with the cops and the little kid hit.

Anonymous said...

When you see that negro woman and how bad she looks and this black guy is DOING THAT,more proof they(black men) will stick their "johnsons" ANYWHERE.


Anonymous said...

Saying that "this is a shame" is understating the war crime by many degrees.Two regular White folk--killed by regular black thugs.

Condolences to those friends and relatives of the White couple.


Anonymous said...

I know his girlfriend wasn't killed,but mentally,she may have been.


Anonymous said...

"Did the crime in the presence of a small child."

I believe the child was in the car. The male was also in the car, waiting.

The woman did the killing.

I doubt the woman expected to commit homicide, so the "crime" she contemplated and went in the store to commit was theft. She pulled out the gun and shot when confronted about the theft. One story said there was a brief struggle. Apparently she says the shooting was an accident (see story below).

They had a description of the vehicle and it was located a short time later. The arrests were made without incident. I think a gun was found on the street somewhere else (?). They probably told the cops where they were when they threw the weapon out the window.

At the link below is a very sad video of the family remembering the victim.

She'll probably be offered a plea down to manslaughter and will get 10 years if she takes it.

Anonymous said...

Two mopes if there ever were any.

Anonymous said...

That was really sad. Blake seemed like a great guy. RIP.

Anonymous said...

The irony is that she's substantially better-looking than the thousands of wildebeests you see out there.