Saturday, April 22, 2023

"italian minister warns italians are facing ‘ethnic replacement’ by migrants" [sic]

By R.C.
sat, apr 22, 2023 4:49 p.m.

"italian minister warns italians are facing ‘ethnic replacement’ by migrants" [sic]

Is it the Death of the West?

Or the Murder of the West?


Anonymous said...

Probably replaced already,as Whites have been in the ABC's of nig*erdom:Atlanta,Baltimore,Chicago etc.


Anonymous said...

Media STILL mocks the White replacement theory--that has already occurred in many cities.They're a little slow though from taking all their vaccines and other assorted drugs of choice.


Anonymous said...

NOT just Italy. All of Europe, USA, etc.

Anonymous said...

A society so love with itself but at the same time not even replacing itself maybe doesn't deserve to exist anymore.

Anonymous said...

All the previous warnings had no effect I guess. This one will no doubt do the trick.