Friday, April 14, 2023

queer beer: here are the 10 “lgbt” beer brands never to buy again

By Merlin
fri, apr 14, 2023 10:20 p.m.

Here are the 10 “lgbt” beer brands never to buy again

If you like your beer purchases associated with fairies, faggots, fruitcakes and freakazoids, you can go ahead and delete this now.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Throw Corona into that group for those stupid commercials with snoop dog and that doofy White guy stupidly trying to rap while snoop dog mocks him. Of course, Whites acting stupid with blacks looking on is quite common in commercials but that snoop dog on is particularly obnoxious, plus they run it 24/7, every time I turn on the TV it's on. I just saw a new one also, in this one the dorky White guy start blowing his hands like he's playing an instrument, acting even stupider than before. This ridicule of Whites is relentless and insulting, every company that runs those commercials should be boycotted permanently.

Anonymous said...

Never buy "Bud light in the loafers" beer."Buttweiser" should also be avoided.


Anonymous said...

Hey, after sucking on that Bud Light, you can brush your teeth with CREST--which uses the same pervert as Bud Light--if you want some GAY in your mouth! By the way, maybe they should change the name of the beer to Butt Light.

Anonymous said...

Boycotted?I can think of something stronger,but boycott--at least--and called out.Who are the Madison Avenue jerkoffs that are producing this crap?You never hear the name of the ad company responsible for these commie-ercials.They hide in secrecy.WHO are they?



Anonymous said...

Trump Jr. just showed that he is a real Republican--says people should not boycott Butt Light beer because they give 60 percent of their donations to Republicans versus 40 percent to Democrats! This shows they are trying to play both sides, but Republicans are ready to allow our culture and country to be trashed as long as big donors keep giving. Same problem with Pfizer and the rest of the drug cartels--they give to Republicans and few Republicans--including Trump--will stand up to their criminal activities--like pushing the unsafe and ineffective clot shot. Except for Senator Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, and now RFK jr.--who is standing up against these criminals?