Friday, April 07, 2023

travis county jury finds Daniel Perry guilty of murder; Perry shot Garrett Foster after Foster approached his vehicle holding a rifle during the 2020 riots in austin

By A Texas Reader
fri, apr 7, 2023 9:57 p.m.

travis county jury finds Daniel Perry guilty of murder Perry shot Garrett Foster after Foster approached his vehicle holding a rifle during the 2020 protests in austin.


Anonymous said...

Anything related to floyd--even peripherally--a jury will find a White guilty.


Anonymous said...

The left has declared war on conservatives or just ordinary White Americans. Self defense is no longer a right in this country.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 'thanks for your service'. So why are fewer and fewer white men showing an interest in military service? - it's a mystery.

Nigger judge

Spic DA

“I’m grateful to our dedicated career prosecutors and victims’ counselors who tried this case. They worked hard to make a complete and accurate presentation of the facts to the jury,” Travis County District Attorney José Garza said in a statement. “Our hearts continue to break for the Foster family. We hope this verdict brings closure and peace to the victim’s family.”

Does that sound like a man talking? These people are effeminate demi-men.

Spic prosecutor too

"Prosecutor Guillermo Gonzalez"

"Garrett Foster had every right to go up to him and see what the heck was going on and he had every right to do it with a deadly weapon," Gonzalez said."

Yes, an armed civilian mob composed of people you don't know, many hostile racial aliens, have every right to menacingly approach your vehicle, and well if something happens, like the prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case said, everyone has to take a beating sometime, maybe even a bullet.

Here's a tweet from the author (yet another female reporter) of the statesman story:
"Defense attorney Dough O'Connell said some witnesses testified that Daniel Perry accelerated when he mde a turn into the protesters. Witness David Fugitt said video form bank tower shows Perry slowed down when making turn into crowd."

Seems the witnesses lied - video showed they were liars.

Also another
"David Fugitt just said that a witness who testified that he saw Daniel Perry's car maneuver around other cars on Fourth St. before Perry made a right turn onto Congress was wrong. Fugitt said the video shot at the Frost Bank tower did not show Perry driving around other cars."

More lying.

So it looks obvious that to bolster the image of Perry as James Fields 2.0, sworn witnesses just plain lied on the stand, and video proved they were liars. That's perjury. Those were some of the 'facts presented to the jury' the DA is so proud of.

People today are stupid cowards. They fear going against the regime, also personal consequences via cancel culture, to the point they will perjure themselves as witnesses, or as jurors dutifully send defendants charged by the regime to prison.

White people who STILL do not see this as naked racial hostility better wake up to reality soon.

Now I'll go check on Steve Sailer - maybe he has written another important article on women's hair.

Anonymous said...

The man is innocent. Anytime a person points a weapon at you, loaded or not, they are saying they are going to kill you. You cannot wait until someone fires at you first and then return fire. You might be killed or incapacitated by the first shot.

The driver too had his way blocked by an illegal mob barring the street. I have always thought blocking the rightful passage of a person was wrongful imprisonment.

Bradley Morris said...

Defend yourself against armed thugs, get convicted of murder. Post Floyd America.

Anonymous said...

In a courtroom where the judge,prosecutor and jury are "minority",it is NOT illegal to perjure yourself against a White defendant.

--black law,Chapter 4 verses 12-13

Throw in black attorney generals and you have the "scales of justice" so tipped against Whites,that as I say,Trump should not even appear in Manhattan for trial.

I just read that Derek Chauvin,on January 18th,filed an appeal of his case.Part of his "deal" to only receive 22 years,was that he would not appeal,but his attorney is filing one anyways-- citing an unfair location--"with crowds exerting influence on the trial and jury deliberations."


Anonymous said...

" sworn witnesses just plain lied on the stand, and video proved they were liars. That's perjury."

Perjury in a capital case in most locales is of itself a capital case.

Jeantel in the Zimmerman/Treyvons case said she was on the3 telephone with Treyvons when Trey met his final fate. She was not. Treyvons parents and the lawyer Crump coached her to say what she testified to. "That is perjury in a capital case. Jeantel and the whole bunch needed to be indicted. As if that would ever happen.

Anonymous said...

"his attorney is filing one anyways-- citing an unfair location--"with crowds exerting influence on the trial and jury deliberations."

Never heard of a condition where a defendant could not appeal. That lawyer who ever he is had better watch his back at all times.