Sunday, April 09, 2023

some of fake-female dylan mulvaney's paid sponsorships

By "W"
sun, apr 9, 2023 12:11 p.m.

some of fake-female dylan mulvaney's paid sponsorships

worth keeping score of these for rejection:


Anonymous said...

Remember the old Michael Jordan commercials?<The catchy jingle--"Be Like Mike."

Now it's,"Be Like Dyke."


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

Below is a thread of a NextDoor conversation I got into (I am MG). A woman claimed a kid called her husband the n word as he was retrieving mail from his mailbox. No other details were given other than that so I asked what the race of the child was. I got one supportive response and multiple likes for my comment but several people took umbrage at my question and a negro (his avatar is black anyways) named Isiah Clark accused my comment of being racist, though he also said "not saying you're racist, just the comment". That's how it works, the assumption is made that a White kid did it, which is always the case with these kind of stories, then when you ask for more detail to put things in context, they call you racist. This entire convo is still up on NextDoor which is surprising because usually any kind of debate that skews non PC gets immediately taken down.
The expectation is that we are supposed to sit around an judge these kind of stories with the assumption Whites are at fault, but the black community reserves the right to use the n word freely but at certain times, when it suits them, cry racism when one of their own uses it. They feel they have a divine right to practice double standards like that.

It's telling the woman who posted the original comment never responded to my question. Most likely because the kid was black and she knew it.

Lee Anne Yakabe

Earlier today as my husband was retrieving the mail from our mailbox, a kid - about 12 yo - riding by on his bike, yelled out the “N” word to my husband then sped off.

His parents must be so proud. I’m sure he’ll support them well in their old age, what with how successful he’s destined to be.

Tracey M.

I'm always so sorry when I see the worst of humans represented in posts like these. I hope in life far more good people are encountered than this horrible child most likely trained to hate by his parents.

Was it a caucasian child? Or are you even sure of his race? I'm asking because my neighbors are black and constantly yell the word at other black people, especially the father who is teaching his children to use it prolifically. I'm asking because once a black person yelled racial slurs at me, I complained to a manager (it was at a health club) who was black, and that person said it didn't matter because people (suggested: white) were calling them slurs all the time (not relevant, but that was her excuse). She said somebody had just done it to her. I looked into it and discovered it did happen but the person that had done it was another black one, but she left that out.

Chairty S.

context is always important.

Isiah Clark

I don’t think she said he was Caucasian but it shouldn’t matter


Isiah Clark
It matters because these kind of stories without details always point an assumptive finger at whites but if it was a black kid then the blame should be directed to where it belongs.

Brenda Addy


your suggesting he didn’t know for sure what happened? Yet it’s clear to you when someone uses a racial slur towards you?

Anne Connor

what racial slur?

Isiah Clark

are you suggesting the man didn’t know what happened but yet you know when a racist slur is aim toward you? No saying you are racist but I find your statement racist.


Isiah Clark
No, I'm saying what happened was ambiguous because crucial details were omitted which means readers of the comment are left to fill in themselves and make what could be erroneous assumptions. False accusations of racism are an indications of underlying racism, I suggest you think about that carefully sir.


Brenda Addy What you wrote doesn't make a lot of sense but yes, I knew a racial slur was directed at me. We are getting a story second hand here that omits certain details, I would like to know those details before passing judgment on what happened. What's wrong with that exactly?


Anne Connor The one allegedly directed at the woman's husband.

Anonymous said...

Like all things with the deviants recently the whole mess is gone crazy. Hit Bud in the pocketbook where it hurts. This Dylan is just a ridiculous caricature that needs significant psychiatric care and probably strong doses of some sort of pharma.