Sunday, April 16, 2023

rats beware: DC dog owners on the prowl for city vermin

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat

rats beware: DC dog owners on the prowl for city vermin

"it's no secret D.C. has a rat problem, but what you may not know is that some local dog owners are trying to help."

The jokes write themselves.


Anonymous said...

The rats don't get any bigger than the DemocRATs in D.C.Sig 'em.


Anonymous said...

Lots of ratting videos out of the UK on YouTube. Farmers there hire the dogs to come to their farms and kill the rats as they are flushed of their dens. Some of the rats are almost as big as squirrels, but the dogs are fearless. It's a helluva spectacle.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
If this gets enough publicity the animal rights loons will take action because it's "cruel to rats". We had something like that happen here in the progressive paradise of pdx, the city wanted to get rid of invasive nutria because of the damage they were causing to the environment and were competition to endangered native species, so they contracted out for hunters to catch them. Somebody had the idea to cook and feed them to the homeless, which worked splendidly for a while because nutria are quite good eating (from what I've heard) and a good source of protein, and a heck of a lot cheaper than buying store bought meat, which saved taxpayers money. One of those win win things. But when the animal rights fanatics caught wind of what was going on they started protesting because they didn't like the idea of cuddly little beavers (no, big rats) getting eaten. Of course since our woke mayor and city counsel simply say "how high" when the wokesters say "jump", they ceased feeding the nutria to the homeless. City still hasn't stopped the eradication efforts though, the meat just goes to waste. Thanks a lot animal right nutjobs.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I've watched some of those ratting videos also, they are surprisingly entertaining. Those little terriers, some not that much bigger than the rats themselves, are the fiercest rat killing machines you'll ever see. It's what they were bred to do.

Anonymous said...

"I've watched some of those ratting videos also, they are surprisingly entertaining. Those little terriers, some not that much bigger than the rats themselves, are the fiercest rat killing machines you'll ever see. It's what they were bred to do"

Indeed. The rat terrier are very useful animal. And those video entertaining YES.

Animal rights activists should be glad to get rid of disease bearing rats. But no!

Dogs much better hunters and killers of rats than cats. The rats die not from the bite but from the shaking that snaps the neck of the rat.