Sunday, April 16, 2023

"british police raid pub, seize 'racist' dolls in 'hate crime' investigation — defiant owner replaces dolls and puts them back up"

By R.C.
sun, apr 16, 2023 6:12 p.m.

"british police raid pub, seize 'racist' dolls in 'hate crime' investigation — defiant owner replaces dolls and puts them back up"


Anonymous said...

"They used to call black people golliwogs. It’s a racist symbol that says slavery to me and the black and white minstrels. It’s so outdated and offensive to black people,”said a black bartender.


First of all,you had to be relevant at some point--which blacks were not and never will be--to call another group,"outdated."

Be thankful Whites are(too) nice to dumb animals.


Anonymous said...

The UK has laws about "causing offence"

"(1) A person is guilty of an offence if he/she:
(a) uses threatening [or abusive] words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening [or abusive],
within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby."

This was widened later due to the internet.

The US is heading in the same direction.

Any ideas about free expression etc are only worth the commitment of a people to preserve both the letter and the spirit. These ideas are white and Western, so this commitment is clearly declining in the US today.

Hate crime laws and protected classes of people you are not allowed to offend was the first step (and a reason why hate laws should be opposed).

Ask the kid from Covington Catholic.

Anonymous said...


(Norm walks in the door)
(Crowd yells,"NORM!")


Woody:Hey,Mr.Petersen,what's goin' on?

Norm:About 5 lbs a week--around my waist.

Diane:Does that statistic mean you're pondering the thought of cutting back on your beer drinking,Norman?

Norm: Well Diane,that's a very interesting and provocative question,but since my goal is to GAIN 10 lbs a week--that would be a no.

Carla:Cancel the layoff notices,Sammy.Whew! I was worried there for a minute.

Norm:A little less panic and a little more beer pouring please.

Cliff:May I buy the first round ol' buddy--and also fill you in on the artwork I have brought with me to donate to Cheers?

Norm:I knew there had to be a catch,but I'm all ears,Cliffy--as long as you keep buying me the brewskis.

(Cliff reaches into a bag and pulls out...)

Cliff:I present the Golliwog doll.Here Sammy,I brought a few of these dolls in--to donate to you--to place by the bar--you can have them.

Sam:They look like Whoopie Goldberg--not one of my favorites.

Cliff:They're worth a lot of money.

Sam:Leave as many as you want,Cliff.

Frasier:Sam,won't you get in trouble with social media?

Sam:Frasier,we haven't had a black in here since we opened up in 1981--I'll take my chances--right everyone?

(The barful of customers roars its approval)

Cliff:Come on,Normie--let's do our Wizard of Oz impression.
Norm and Cliff:There's no place like Cheers.
There's no place like Cheers.
There's no place like Cheers.

(Cheers theme)

Makin' your way in the world today,
Takes everything you got.
Takin' a drive down to a tavern,
Where you won't get shot.
Wouldn't you like to go today?

Sometimes you want to go,
Where everybody's the same race,
And no blacks are in the place.
You wanna be where you will know,
Everyone's White as snow.
You wanna be where everybody's the same race.



Anonymous said...

Golliwogs everywhere. Golly!