Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Alvin Bragg engaged in mortgage fraud in new york city, per gab

By R.C.
wed, apr 5, 2023 11:02 p.m.

Alvin Bragg engaged in mortgage fraud in new york city, per gab

Joseph A. Camp on gab: "This kind of blew up. Awesome work Fams. We are …"

Joseph A. Camp on Gab: "This kind of blew up. work Fams. We are just the tip of the spear. If you can support my exile (after this I am sure I won't be able to come back anytime soon) please consider a donation to I'll keep fighting from the darkest of places, because I do truly love my native country."

No wonder Trump is so sanguine.


Anonymous said...

Don't blacks get a 100 free mortgage frauds these days?Especially if they're attempting to put Trump in prison?Might be 200 in that case.


Anonymous said...

>per gab

Gab is not the source -- the Gab acct just reposted screen caps from a Twitter acct:

But good luck finding those specific tweets, he may have deleted them, perhaps out of fear of a defamation suit -- while there are references to Bragg's finances on the timeline, there are also several replies asking why tweets about Bragg were deleted.

Looks like a typical Trumptard acct.

Bragg is scum of course -- a fat black affirmative action (Harvard admit) pleb, another example of how the vast majority of Blacks who make it into the middle and upper class do so as a result of affirmative action, especially in govt employment (Bragg also won an election to get his current job).

Regarding Blacks and elections:
"Let me translate what Jake won’t say:

Chicago precincts with the most crime, its blackest areas, voted for the black candidate who promised to go easy on criminals.

Even black people who are tired of crime still vote based on racial allegiance."

Republicans who still think 'outreach' will get Blacks to vote for them are fucking morons -- even movie action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger heavily lost the non-white vote in California -- it was only a huge majority of white votes that put him into office, but it's very questionable if there are still enuf white votes in CA to do the same today -- probably not.

Anonymous said...

Negroes by and large and not so much against graft and fraud just that they didn't get their fair share of it.