Saturday, April 15, 2023

brawl at white sox park

By “W”
sat, apr 15, 2023 10:24 p.m.

brawl at white sox park


Anonymous said...

My old favorite team.

Was it "Mexican or negro gangbang" night at the old ballyard?
Buy two tickets and receive a set of brass knuckles,a switchblade and some ammo.

They're not the White Sox anymore,they're the Chicano Mex Sox.

I never follow them anymore.


Anonymous said...

"A toddler was seen crying nearby as the brawl broke out before his guardians wisely moved away as it rumbled on for two minutes."

GRA:A toddler crying?Media always goes for the heart tug don't they?

I'll bet he messed his di-di too.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
California trying to make Tesla cooperate with it's investigation into racial bias in the company:

According to the article there was near constant use of racial slurs in the workplace, plus racist graffiti.

I have to wonder, racial slurs being used by whom? Whites or other negro employees? It occurs to me we could have another variation of the ghetto lottery, negro employees fling the n word around in the workplace and other negroes complain that the company is allowing racist language to be used. Of course, if the company tried to discipline them, they'd probably be accused of not respecting black culture. As for the graffiti, we know that's being done by blacks.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Alien invader black serial child molester goes ballistic when White woman tells him not to touch her daughter:
In the beginning he claims he touched other people's children and they said nothing, and screams "why" at her, then answers by saying she's racist.
After watching the entire video, many disturbing and infuriating things come to mind. If what he said was true and he touched other kids, why were they allowing this? Simple, black privilege, a White would never be allowed to do such a thing, but since he's black, they let it pass. Let's play reverse the race, if he were White, do you think people would be sitting there letting him do this? All I saw was a couple of restaurant workers nervously looking on but doing nothing. If he were White, every guy in the place would be up surrounding him. If he were White and in a restaurant where most of the patrons were black, he'd be beaten to a pulp.
He has an accent so I'm assuming he's a fairly recent invader but he's already figured out how passive (most) Whites are when a negro becomes violent and threatening.
There will be those who will claim it's OK in his culture to touch other people's children but I don't buy that at all. Even if there is some truth to that if he speaks English that well he already knows well and good that in this country, you simply do not touch children you don't know, unless you're pulling one out of a burning building.
He knew what he was doing, he was trying to push the boundary of what he could get away with as a pedophile black man.

Anonymous said...

Well,blacks--the most prolific and well known liars of the world--are BELIEVED instantly by juries in these types of cases.In fact,with blackie vs Whitey disputes,the immediate media response is to go anti-White and accuse WHITEY of lying.

As they used to say about Trump,"with no proof given",blacks are assumed to be truthful.

WE know better,I know better.


Anonymous said...

pbm lives matter more than law-abiding White lives in 2023.


Anonymous said...

"Fans did their utmost to honor the spirit of the fight-glorifying song 'Knuck If You Buck' by Crime Mob, which was ironically - and ostensibly unintentionally - playing in the background as haymakers were launched by both men and women."

GRA:Another nig tune I've never heard of,however,if the park was playing the "song',they condone this type of behavior.

It looks like they serve pancakes at Sox Park,otherwise why would the minorities be fighting to this extent?


Anonymous said...

Here's why I don't follow baseball anymore.A story of a brawl 7 days ago,check out the names involved:

"After Ke’Bryan Hayes hit a grounder to third base, Pirates star Oneil Cruz ran home to try and put a run on the board. But, Cruz had an awkward collision with catcher Seby Zavala after Yoan Moncada threw the ball at home plate. Cruz’s ankle bent awkwardly and was writhing in pain. Zavala appeared to say “b**** what the f*** was that?” to Cruz as he was on the ground. Then, Carlos Santana went after Zavala but the two were separated, and the benches cleared."

White baseball is DEAD..


Anonymous said...

Just listening to the racket is enough to drive you nuts. Drunken fans most likely? Security only supposed to observe and report. Off-duty cops wearing yellow windbreakers do the muscle work of stopping fights and handcuff those fighting.