Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Boomerang! npr ceo engaged in rampant racism on behalf of non-Whites, and now that he had to engage in mass firings, he still protected them, but they accused him of "racism," anyway! (video)

By R.C.
tue, apr 4, 2023 9:38 a.m.

after npr's major layoff, employees accuse ceo of racism

Tyler Durden: “In 2023, there are few pleasures like watching leftist media platforms suffer from declining revenue, then painful layoffs and, finally, a delightful crescendo of knee-jerk accusations of racism.” 



national propaganda radio.

1 year ago

Doctor: You're pre-diabetic. To prevent full onset of diabetes, you should diet.

Patient: I need to find a doctor who isn't a racist.

N.S.: Note that if you're a White doctor treating a morbidly obese, "anti-colonialist," black patient, she's gonna sue you, no matter what you do to placate her.

Tucker: Here's why npr is collapsing


Anonymous said...

No loss.Gates to the rescue?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
In many traditional African cultures, obesity is a sign of beauty so fat American black women have decided that Western standard of beauty are racist. I guess because we haven't imported African beauty values, we're racist.

Anonymous said...

No African male wears glasses in pictures I see of Africans.If they did have corrective lenses on,they'd probably vomit,after seeing what they've been having sex with.


Anonymous said...

>Tucker: Here's why npr is collapsing


Tucker is a good goy -- he rejects white identity, says that 'no one speaks for him just because they have the same skin color', claims any recognition and expression of group identity is a 'Nazi idea' and he rejects it -- he perfectly embodies the atomization of Whites in the face of the weaponized group identity of non-whites, a phenomenon that has characterized politics in the US for more or less a century, and is now culminating in the dispossession of Whites in the US and across the West.

His rant is a form of compliant libertarian infantilism -- the brief video clip at the link above shows how intellectually shallow and dishonest, or what a phony (take your pick), Carlson is.

Carlson is useful on some topics, but he is wealthy and heavily invested in a system which is built around racial egalitarianism -- he would probably tell you about the 'big lie' and its use in politics, but never say what a 'big lie' racial egalitarianism is.

As long as his ratings stay up, he would sit back and watch watch Mt Rushmore be demolished while admonishing Whites not to be Nazis.