Friday, January 06, 2023

Two young White girls are dead in louisiana, thanks to a negro car thief, but the media focuses on the White cop

"Maggie Dunn, 17, and Caroline Gill, 16, were killed after an officer in a high speed chase slammed into their vehicle. (Brusly High School)"

By Jerry PDX
friday, january 6, 2023 at 5:17:00 a.m. est

Two young White girls are dead in louisiana, thanks to a negro car thief, but the media focuses on the White cop:

Tyquel Zanders reportedly stole a relative's car and was being pursued by police officer David Cauthron. Witnesses say Cauthron ran a red light at the intersection where he struck Dunn and Gill, and that the light had been red for roughly 20 seconds, according to wbrz.

[N.S.: In other words, Zanders ran a red light.]

I don't discount Cauthron's role in this, he was "doing his job" but when a negro steals a relative's car...who really cares? Was it really worth a high speed chase? If he had murdered or raped somebody I could understand but in this case, the cop should have used better judgment. However, the article itself revolves around the cop's role in what happened and keeps Zanders' role in the background. It's a damn shame about those two girls, a true tragedy but in the bizarro world of racial idiocy we're supposed to be agonizing over some negro who got hurt playing football.

N.S.: According to fox news operative, "Anders Hagstrom Cauthron was going nearly 90 miles per hour during the chase." Hagstrom doesn't say anything about the speed at which Tyquel (cold-medicine?) Zanders was driving, but it had to have been more than 90 mph.

According to American law, cold medicine would be charged with two counts of murder, since he caused the White girls' deaths. However, under what GRA calls "black law," although he is being charged with them, White Officer David Cauthron is being charged wth them, as well, and it is Officer Cauthron who is being held up by "conservative" fox news as the bad guy, with cold medicine an afterthought.


Anonymous said...

"black law" would undoubtedly charge the police with harassing a black,while the black perp "should have been allowed to go free"--as black law(lessness) sees it.

Never the black's fault--always the police.


Anonymous said...

That is how so many of these criminals were caught they commit a very egregious crime but they are not arrested for a crime he original reason why they are confronted with the police if your cousin doing something stupid like running a stop sign or a red light

Anonymous said...

There's a black standing behind them in the picture.Their deaths were caused by living near blacks--period.


Anonymous said...

The population of Brusley is 2504--with 22% being black.


That's too much for a small town.