Thursday, January 05, 2023

they outed her as a White girl! lunatic tried to pass as a "non-binary injun"

By R.C.
wed, jan 4, 2023 3:59 p.m.

"Nolte: co-owner of ‘queer indigenous artists’ collective’ outed as White girl"

Nolte: some lunatic named Kay LeClaire, who claimed to be a non-binary (whatever that means) American indian, turns out to be a White girl.

So what?

Check out the careers page at Schwab – td ameritrade.

No White men need apply.

Like a family member, a former resident of wisconsin, said to me a few years ago:

“madison (wisconsin) is an island of insanity in a sea of calm.”


Anonymous said...

Isn't some of this race pretending caused by the constant attacking of Whites by media?If you hear the "Whites are no good" mantra,24/7,I could see some fringe percentage of Whites feeling ashamed,guilty of themselves and wanting to be a person who's accepted by what"s perceived as society(television)

Conversely,we see blacks portrayed on tv,as the top echelon of the country--smart--compared to idiot Whites,wise--compared to incompetent and clueless Whites and cool and in shape--compared to dorky,out of shape Whitey.

Madison Avenue and msm should not only be ashamed of the false images they peddle into America's homes,they should be punitively addressed.

What we see on commercials,talk shows,programs,game shows and the news is basically slander of the White race.

How about a lawsuit or two?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Yes, I agree, I'd love to see some kind of lawsuit about the relentless portrayal of Whites as being stupid but it will never happen, I just don't see how you can hang a legal argument on it, though wish you could. White libs, Wokesters will always jump forward to volunteer for this degradation, they like it and will tell you that it's their duty as historical oppressors to make up for their crimes. That's how pathetic and weak they are but they don't see it that way.

There could be a lawsuit about the blatant discrimination toward Whites on game shows. Most of them now feature a way higher percentage of blacks than their pop. representation. There's some numbers there that couldn't be denied.

Anonymous said...

These people passing as a minority but a white quite often unmasked if we can use that term so very easily showing to be frauds across the board but then that is the type of world we live in today isn’t it I guess it helps her when she said she is non-binary whatever that is

Let us not forget it is Madison WI that type of behavior is very acceptable there

Anonymous said...

She didn’t commit fraud and she’s legally be held responsible

She is said to have dyed her hair black and began going to a tanning salon all the time the dark in her skin