Thursday, January 05, 2023

No Country for White Heroes: texas waffle house 'avenger' Whitelisted after viral chair brawl (Video of "Waffle House Wendy")

By A Texas Reader
wed, jan 4, 2023 12:37 p.m.

texas waffle house 'avenger' blacklisted after viral chair brawl


Or whitelisted?

Asking for Papa Doc Duvalier.

"'Waffle House Wendy' speaks out after viral restaurant brawl"


Anonymous said...

"Bacon strip short"--lol.Good for Tucker showing this.


Anonymous said...

Now when Tucker has the balls to call out the race of these waffle house rioters,I'll be impressed.


Anonymous said...

She should have pressed charges--and kept her hair blond.


Anonymous said...

“That’s how night shift works, and it’s sad. Because there are no security guards, there are guns that get pulled out at Waffle House,” Booth said on YouTube. “There’s bullet holes in some Waffle Houses that I’ve worked at.”

GRA:We can guess which ones those would be.


Anonymous said...

The Kyle Rittenhouse of females,though I get the sense she doesn't want the title
--for safety reasons.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Best part of the brawl video is where she started laying some haymakers on that she boon that jumped the counter, then the pack surrounded her and overwhelmed her but she showed some real fighting chops, wish more Whites would demonstrate that kind of spunk. Maybe she's had some training or older brothers to fight with growing up. That's one thing that helped me survive bullies in school, I fought daily with my older brother who was naturally athletic and strong. I never started fights and scared to death of getting into them but when forced to, discovered I was pretty good at it because my older brother beat up on me every day. Most bullies weren't as strong and fast as my brother was so they were in for a shock when a scrawny undersized kid turned out to be a lot tougher than he looked.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The difference between a White mass killer and a black one:

Google search hits for Darrell Brooks - 7,090,000

Google search hits for Bryan Kohberger - 39,700,000

You'd think the cumulative hits for Brooks crime just over a year ago should far eclipse Kohberger, who just appeared in the news. He even murdered a 5 yr. old child but has a 5th the amount of hits Kohberger is getting just out of the gate. I threw Brooks name out there at a few family members who were railing about how they can see the evil in Kohberger's eyes and they gave me puzzled looks and said "who"? A couple years from now they won't have forgotten Kohberger but still won't be able to name a single black mass killer or serial killer. Guarantee it's the same for any lib/Wokester you ask.

Anonymous said...

Whitelisted or blacklisted that is the question? I would prefer the former rather than the latter but then I am a white man aren’t I.

Anonymous said...

I hope this baby girl doesn’t become targeted by the Negro summer approaching her in a parking lot at night with a hammer or brick in their hand