Sunday, January 01, 2023

members of two raceless texas gangs ran into each other; they flashed gang signs and started shooting, leaving two dead and two "injured"

By A Texas Reader
sun, jan 1, 2023 7:13 p.m.

officials stated both groups [sic] were armed with handguns and exchanged gunfire after flashing "gang signs" and a short verbal argument.

Oh, well.

More in the social security trust fund for me.

N.S.: "A short verbal argument." What sort of "short verbal argument"? That's just filler, and redundant filler, at that. You don't say "a verbal argument," because all arguments are verbal. They saw each other, and cursed each other out, as they reached for their guns. There's your "short verbal argument."

Oh, and they weren't "groups," they were gangs. A few years ago, the msm replaced "gangs" with the euphemism "groups." Whether police chiefs followed the msm, I can't say. Top cops and media persons are often in bed together--literally (just ask Bill Bratton)--so they often act in concert.


Anonymous said...

Pretty soon the gangs will be called "clubs" or "teams".

Then on to heroes.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
here in the progressive paradise of portland OR, they've done away with the definition of gangs altogether. Some years back our mayor and city counsel forced the police dept. to erase all their records pertaining to gang affiliations because it was racist and tagged gang members with a gang label for life. The rationalization was that is was unfair because people could leave gangs but still have that membership on their records with the police. Police were only supposed to keep records for actual crimes, not a "concept" like gang membership which really isn't a crime in itself. The result was that it made it vastly more difficult for police to control gang violence and the murder rate started to increase, along with higher crime rates in general. It's the sort of thing that happens when you stuff your city government with Woke pinheads and nobody benefits, except criminals.

Anonymous said...

The argument the quarrel the confrontation look to glance the stair your perceived look glance or stare your parking spot the quarter the cigarettes that is how it all starts