Sunday, January 01, 2023

"'it was in his nature to help': congo native, 26, among blizzard deaths after [maybe] going out for supplies" for ... somebody

Abdul Sharifu was 26

By R.C.
sat, dec 31, 2022 9:31 p.m.

[cousins] Sharif and Omar ended up in a refugee camp in burundi in 2002 after their parents were killed in the second congo war, said Omar. Omar said he and his brother had recently chatted about living closer to each other, although Sharif often told Omar he love...

"Ali Sharifu said his cousin 'was so excited to become a father' and was working toward buying a home for his growing family."

N.S.: Abdul Sharifu didn't have "a growing family," because he didn't have a family yet. He just had a wife, who was due to bear their first child in about a week, but who was asleep when he snuck out of their apartment saturday around noon. His corpse wasn't found for about 24 hours, in a section of town far from home. The story casting him as selfless was just something his cousin made up; msm operatives love that sort of crap from colored people, when bad things happen to their friends or relatives.

congolese refugees? Hmm. Sounds somehow familiar.

“'We don’t know what happened to him. We know that he told his wife he was going to buy milk,' said Mohammed Omar, Sharifu's younger brother.”


Anonymous said...

He was going to buy a house(how?),the wife was preggers(we know how)and he went to get milk in a blizzard(why?)
You add it up and it looks like the taxpayers will be paying 18 years of welfare to the kid and mother--neither of whom should be here.Since daddy wasn't smart enough to avoid death in a snowstorm,the kid will probably be dimwitted too.


Anonymous said...

They certainly says a refugee from the Congo to just about the worst place possible for him to live and thrive and survive I’m sure the people from my condo have absolutely no experience with snow ice or cold temperatures quite the opposite

The Goody two shoes social workers in this country is very strange ideas of where to place refugees