Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Is the new york post a front for the black supremacist murder cult, the nation of islam?! noi mayor Eric Adams appointed a fellow noi member judge, but all new york’s “conservative” newspaper can do is rave that he’s a “cosplayer” and openly homosexual

[Of related interest:

“Updated List of nation of islam attacks on Whites.”]

I had posted the link to the story the post sent me, without reading it. But then an anonymous reader who HAD read it alerted me:

By Anonymous
tuesday, november 15, 2022 at 7:08:00 a.m. est

“The black knight rides? Looks like a black muslim black knight to me. Bowtie.”

(Thanks, Buddy!)

As I then commented at the story, where I’m momentarily permitted to post comments:

Like mayor Adams, Dale Fong-Frederick is a member of the nation of islam! He’s even depicted in uniform. And yet, the post constructs this fantasy world as a cover story?!

Note that liberal post publisher Lachlan Murdoch supported Adams for mayor last year, and forced even old-guard posties, like columnist Bob McManus, to go along with it. However, most post staffers were by then such racial socialists that no coercion was necessary, on Murdoch’s part.

Dale Fong-Fredrick, 51, in noi uniform


Anonymous said...

You have to wonder,the way the elections turned out,whether some of these "conservative" news organizations,just might decide to go even MORE soft on black crime,black corruption and other similar topics.

I believe it is happening already


Anonymous said...

Black Muslim, if that is what he is, do not allow gays. But then Malcolm Little [X] was a pipe smoker in his early days.