Sunday, July 17, 2022

Good Guy with a Gun Takes Out Bad Guy with a Gun: 1 dead, 3 wounded in shooting at greenwood park mall; shooter is dead

By R.C.
Sun, Jul 17, 2022 8:25 p.m.

2 dead, 3 wounded in shooting at Greenwood Park Mall; shooter is dead |


Anonymous said...

Remarkable.The weather is hot and here in Grand Rapids,in addition to the bar shooting Sunday morning on Cesar Chavez Avenue in downtown Grand Rapids,police announced three other shootings--one on my side of town.

Then today,around 1230pm,in Gaines Township--a mostly rural suburb of Grand Rapids--a drive-by shooter hit his target,as an unidentified woman was struck inside her house.

"She will be okay,"was the media's pronouncement of the vic's condition.

There are three outcomes to a shooting--in local media's eyes:

"Was killed."

"Will survive"--whatever that means.

"Will be okay."

Then if the vic is killed,police add,"There's no other threat to the public"--which I never believe,because the next day,there's another shooting--which doesn't get solved either.If you don't solve a drive-by shooting,there IS a threat to the public,since it's probably the same individuals(nig thugs),doing most of the shootings.

Nig terrorists,in otherwords.


Anonymous said...

22 year old kid killed the bad guy. I had thought the Good Sam must have been military of some sort, SEAL, Marine recon, Green Beret, army ranger, etc.

But no military or police experience.