Friday, April 08, 2022

“Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Against Ending Title 42, Says Southern Border Not Sustainable”

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

"Jeh" is an eh-hole--no matter what he says now.


eahilf said...

People aren't showing up at the southern border due to the 'pandemic' -- if there was no recognized (alleged) 'pandemic', Title 42 would not apply and could not be used (I doubt a court would uphold its use, although of course random third worlders could be carrying communicable disease) -- but the southern border would still be 'unsustainable' -- what then?

Countries around the world are dropping COVID measures; in many places you no longer have to wear a mask -- even the Bundestag in Germany, never shy about imposing authoritarian restrictions, voted down the Impfpflicht (for people older than 60; they never bothered to vote on it for 18 and up since it was clear they did not have enuf votes for it) -- so one could also say use of Title 42 at the southern border to keep out asylum seekers will also soon not be 'sustainable' -- what then?

Anyway, Johnson's opinion no longer really matters.

Anonymous said...

This Jeh [what kinda name is that?] is a genius I tell you. Sure. So many genius around nowadays. Then why are so many things just plain fucked up?

Anonymous said...

"Anyway, Johnson's opinion no longer really matters."

Correct. He is now only realizing what he should have know all along.