Monday, April 04, 2022

More on the Mass Murder in Sacramento

[Re: “Sacramento’s Mayor Supports Today’s Mass Murder.”]

By Eahilf
Monday, April 4, 2022 at 3:18:00 A.M. EDT

My VDARE Editor James Fulford has determined that today’s mass murder was an immigrant mass murder.

Maybe it was – but more than anything else, he seems to be asking for readers to email info.

Anyway, two of the victims look like black men, both well into adulthood:

Family says 2 men killed in shooting were cousins

Lots of reports over the years of blacks and hispanics shooting it out in South Central LA – so it would be no surprise if the same “diversity is our greatest strength” hostility also exists in Sacramento.

Near as I can tell, Sacramento, the state capital, appears to be similar to Stockton in its demographics and crime rates – and Stockton is known to be a nasty place.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, April 4, 2022 at 12:41:00 P.M. EDT

Translating the politician’s b.s.

(abc10) One witness said she heard gunshots and saw flashes in the dark. She walked to the window and “saw a guy running and just shooting,” Schar told the associated press in an interview.
[GRA: ap didn’t ask what race the “guy” was—or just didn’t print it?)

A video posted on twitter showed people running through the street amid the sounds of rapid gunfire.

[GRA: A warzone—in other words.]

The area where the violence occurred on the outskirts of the city’s main entertainment district is packed with restaurants and bars. Nightclubs close at 2 a.m. and it’s normal for streets to be full of people at that hour.

[GRA: The bars and restaurants should change their names to reflect the criminal activity in the area: The “Gun and Run,” for example.]

The district is anchored by the Golden One Center that attracts big-name concerts and is home to the NBA’s Sacramento Kings, who are hosting a game Sunday night against the Golden State Warriors. City officials have invested heavily in the area to promote development in the area and police said there would be extra patrols downtown ahead of the basketball game.

“This morning our city has a broken heart,” Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg said. “We don’t know all the facts but we know there were mass casualties in a very short amount of time.”

[Steinberg: ‘I like to state the obvious. What I WON’T tell you is that blacks/Mex are ruining this city.’)

Officers were patrolling the area near the shooting site two blocks from the State Capitol at about 2 a.m. when they heard gunfire and rushed to the scene, Lester told reporters. They found a large crowd gathered and six people dead in the street.

Twelve other people were also shot and wounded in the melee. Police urged witnesses or anyone with recordings of the shooting to contact police.

“We’re asking for the public’s help in helping us to identify the suspects in this,” Lester said.

[Lester: “Not a chance we can ID these perps because ALL blacks look the same—except for Jimmy Walker, of course.”

Councilmember Katie Valenzuela, who represents the area where the shooting happened, said she’s fielded phone calls reporting many violent incidents in her district during her 15 months in office.

Valenzuela cried at a news conference as she told reporters that the latest phone call woke her up at 2:30 a.m. Sunday with details about the latest tragedy.

“I’m heartbroken and I’m outraged,” she said. “This is not what our community should have to put up with.”

[GRA: Such drivel. Why wouldn’t “the community have to put up with it”?—Sacramento is full of Mex and negroes. It’s NORMAL! She says it herself—“many previous calls pertaining to violence.” That's what the media will not tell viewers and readers: With demographic numbers of non-Whites in a city as this one, shootings are not a fluke.]

P.S. As I wrote this, woodtv had a report which showed an older black woman, in Sacramento, complaining that, “You mean that we can’t go to a bar, or place like that, without having to worry that you might not come back alive (speaking cluelessly, as if it wasn’t HER RACE who’s to blame for most of the violence everywhere. What denial (chuckle).

When blacks decide to call their own race “irredeemable filth”—responsible for the country’s problems—and the media air it, we may see a turn to more White law and less black law, i.e.,: an improvement, via more incarceration and/or executions.



Anonymous said...

So was it black dudes doing black dudes or Mex off'n el negro?

Anonymous said...

"City officials have invested heavily in the area to promote development in the area"

Sports stadiums and prisons. Only real growth industry in American business.