Friday, April 01, 2022

Mistakenly shot by police

By "W"
Fri, Apr 1, 2022 4:04 p.m.

Mistakenly shot by police

How would you like to be that fambly's lawyer$$$$$

1 comment:

eahilf said...


Mata held a news conference to address the shooting at the La Victoria taqueria on San Carlos Street, just footsteps away from the San Jose State University campus.

At the start of the video here (link), in the background you see the San Carlos street entrance to the SJSU campus, and on the right the multi-story 4th St parking garage (also a SJSU facility).

Very familiar with the area -- used to meet with friends to drink beer and eat finger food on Friday afternoons at a now defunct sandwich place that was right next door to the building where the shooting happened -- sometimes a professor or two from SJSU would join us.

Niggers and spics ruin everything.