Sunday, April 03, 2022

jerelyn luther university news: mudshark swindles yale medical school out of $$millions

By "W"
Sat, Apr 2, 2022 5:52 p.m.

mudshark swindles yale medical school out of $$millions

Another fat white female with a negro mate. No telling how many $$millions he has tucked away overseas. Well, the woke at yale deserve all this and much, much more:


eahilf said...

Her appearance alone should have aroused suspicion in any reasonable person.

Jamie Petrone-Codrington, 42, would place orders for iPads and Microsoft Surface Pros for the college that came in under $10,000. Orders for IT equipment below that amount did not have to be approved by her superiors. ... She repeated the scam thousands of times over an estimated 10 years, and sold the tablets to an unidentified business in Long Island. Petrone-Codringham, who admitted wire fraud Monday, was first probed by staff at Yale in June 2020 over her spending on computers. ... But that internal investigation did not recommend any action against the scammer, of Lithia Springs in Georgia, and she was allowed to continue with the scheme until July 2021.

Sorry, but she is not the only guilty party here -- she could not have gotten away with such obvious thievery for so long, and continued to steal even after an 'internal investigation', without accomplices -- did no one ask where all that equipment was?

Excuse me while I don't feel sorry for Yale:

More than 400 Yale Students Sign Letter Against Alliance Defending Freedom Appearing on Campus

Anonymous said...

Blacks don't like to save money or deposit in accounts. They like to SPEND MONEY!

I don't feel sorry for Yale also. Thousand of computers scammed an NO ONE saw a thing. Normally all those computers at a school would be tagged in some manner.