Friday, April 08, 2022

California’s Corporate Board Diversity Quota Law Held Unconstitutional

By N.S.

“‘Equity’ was just dealt a blow. The problem with equity, as opposed to equality, is that it is unconstitutional and violates anti-discrimination laws when applied to protected categories, such as race. People have an individual right to equal protection.”


eahilf said...

From the link:

The action follows passage of a similar law in 2018 mandating that public companies headquartered in the state have at least one woman on their boards of directors by the end of 2019 (SB 826), with further future increases required depending on board size. ...

So the mandatory quota nuttiness in CA started with SB 826 in 2018 -- per the records of the CA state legislature (link), the author/sponsor of SB 826 was (now former) CA State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (link) -- she's a Jew (link).

eahilf said...

Again from the link:

AB 979 requires that by the end of 2021 California-headquartered public companies have at least one director on their boards who is from an underrepresented community, defined as “an individual who self‑identifies as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or Alaska Native, or who self‑identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.”

Personally, and remembering the guy in Canada who 'self-identified' as female so he could save money on his car insurance (link), it would have been cool to see someone 'self-identify' as one of the above protected classes in order to scam the bill.

The author/sponsor AB 979 (link) was a black male, Chris Holden (link):

In his first term, Holden introduced legislation to require California schools to teach about the significance of the Barack Obama presidency.

LOL, what a fucking cretin -- this is the kind of degenerate demi-man of color who easily gets elected to public office in California.

So re the history of this nonsense in CA, again you find a toxic combination of Jews and Blacks teaming up to do stupid things that disadvantage Whites (and increasingly Asians).

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
This brings back memories of the 70's and the original reverse discrimination victim, Allen Bakke, who rightly felt he had been discriminated against because he was White. He won his case but that didn't stop the practice of reverse discrimination from advancing. Here is a prescient article from 1978 that predicted exactly that:

Bradley Morris said...

They introduced this diversity equity and inclusion racket at my job recently. The black chick in charge of it wears a wig clearly styled after a white woman's hairstyle. That's blatant cultural appropriation.

Bradley Morris said...

...and if anyone wants to see White America's fate if this liberal insanity proliferates, cast your eyes to South Africa, the only country on Earth where Affirmative Action legislation benefits the majority and the White minority is legislated to perpetual poverty, all in the name of Equity.