Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Updates on the Death of Bob Saget

The late Bob Saget, may he rest in peace, in recent years

[“Norman Lear (99) Outlives—and Comments on Another Hollywood Celeb Death—Bob Saget (65).”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 2:48:00 A.M. EST

Late word on newly deceased comedian Bob Saget is that he came down with a fairly mild case of Covid in December.

No admission of getting vaxxed, but Saget reportedly said he, “did not feel good,” during that time around Christmas.

We know that Harry Anderson caught pneumonia and after recovering, dropped dead from after-effects a couple years ago.

If Saget had received a jab prior to contracting Covid, would he be alive today—is an interesting question—assuming he had not done so. But that has not been verified, either way. If he was jabbed and died from mild Covid, would anyone release that information? I have my doubts.


Saget Admits to Multiple Vaxx Shots—Booster in December
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 3:02:00 A.M. EST

GRA: the daily dot seems pro-vaxx, but if what they say is true, the vaxx did not prevent Saget from dying of the aftereffects of either Covid, the vaxx—or both.

(daily dot) Conspiracy theorists wasted no time exploiting the legendary entertainer’s untimely demise. Saget’s cause of death hasn’t been revealed, but to anti-vaxxers, his death could only have been caused by the vaccine.

The sole shreds of evidence for such rumors appears to be a joke Saget made on Twitter last summer and him mentioning getting a COVID vaccine booster.

In July, Saget tweeted, “I get vaccinated five to six times a day and I feel great!!” Following his death, someone commented on the tweet, “dude the jab definitely got em.”

In mid-December, Saget said on his show that he’d recently received a booster shot.


N.S.: Only two kinds of people call vaxx skeptics “conspiracy theorists”: Communists, aka Democrats, and “conservative” saboteurs. Thus, I have bestowed on the daily dot the ignominy of lower-case letters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


GRA:White had a stroke(of course she was 99)--I don't see WHY she would get vaxxed.Saget,however,admitted to a booster in December.What Hogan says is important--only to add perspective.Word must be getting around,about the circumstances which occurred before these celebs died.Did they get a jab--or not?The truth is important.

(The blaze)Former wrestling star Hulk Hogan pushed a popular conspiracy theory claiming that beloved actress Betty White, comedian Bob Saget, and legendary actor Sidney Poitier all died after receiving vaccination shots.

Hogan, whose real name is Terry Bollea, made the comment on a video from YouTube influencer Josh Pray lamenting the death of Saget. The wrestler responded to a commenter who claimed that the "Full House" star had died from the "jab," a nickname for the coronavirus vaccine shot.

"100 percent Betty and Sidney were also jabbed their dropping like flies but they'll never say it," Hogan responded.

That comment was deleted soon after, but its existence was documented by many who took screenshots before it was taken down.