Monday, January 10, 2022

The Most Succinct Explanation Yet for Covid Psychosis

[“Fully Vaccinated and Boosted AOC Has Covid after Partying in Packed Miami Drag Queen Bar.”]

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”
Mr. Clemens

By Eahilf
Monday, January 10, 2022 at 9:53:00 A.M. EST

Schadenfreude, about this or anything else, isn’t really my thing.

Her office put out a statement on her Twitter timeline (link) — to note they are careful to say she is “experiencing symptoms” — I doubt she has symptoms; a required test came back positive.

But they are starting to wise up to the fact people are realizing that the “pandemic” is being sustained by mass testing of literally millions of healthy people daily (either out of curiosity or because it’s required for one reason or another), and these inaccurate tests produced large numbers of false positives, each one counted as a “case,” and it is “cases” that drive COVID tyranny.

Here’s a recent example from Milwaukee:

Long lines of people wait for COVID-19 testing at Mill Road site in Milwaukee

Watch the short video – hundreds and hundreds of sheeple, probably all of them perfectly healthy and symptom free, lining up in the cars for a COVID test.

It’s madness.

Yet the media will tell you with a straight face that “mass formation psychosis” isn’t real.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Also the reason for packed ICU's. Previous years people simply rode out being sick at home, now they get a sniffle, run for a test and end up in ICU with "Covid". Vaxx zealots will claim non vaxxed are endangering lives because ICU's and emergency rooms are too crowded to supply life saving care to everybody that needs it. All due to those selfish non vaxxed taking up space.

Anonymous said...

The same Whites falling for Covid are the ones falling into line about blm/race too--not even all liberals--but moderates too.
The constant badgering on tv has worked on two fronts,with climate change,the attempted trifecta.


Anonymous said...

YES. Terrible hysteria existing and the type of thing the media likes to hype and did so this evening on the nightly news. And Lester did big time on NNN.