Thursday, January 13, 2022

Tessa Majors War Crime Update

By David in TN

Rashaun Weaver, one of the three racist black war criminals who murdered Tessa Majors, will be getting sentenced on January 19th.

If a victim impact statement is permitted, it will be given by her father, Inman Majors.

Various forces of evil sought to get Tessa Majors’ killers free crimes, among them the New York media and then-Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer. Brewer was old enough to remember what had really happened in the Central Park Jogger case of April 19, 1989, but instead went full throttle, repeating the Central Park Five Hoax, and sought to leverage it to get free crimes for Majors’ killers.

The only factor that rescued a measure of justice for Tessa Majors, was that the whole atrocity was caught on videotape. Although the msm largely suppressed mention of the crime video, its existence made it impossible for them, Gale Brewer, et al., to get Majors’ killers off, though real justice would require that they all be executed.

At the rate things are going, with new, black supremacist Manhattan da Alvin Bragg, new nation of islam Mayor Eric Adams, and black supremacist new york criminal general Letitita James, soon enough such racist scum will get free war crimes.

Tessa Majors’ killers are: Rashaun Weaver; Zyairr Davis; and Luchiano Lewis.

“‘It Was Fun’—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. the Central Park Five, 25 Years Later.”

“Ken Burns’ The Central Park Five: The New To Kill a Mockingbird—Fiction Designed to Induce White Guilt.”


eahilf said...

Like I said before: he'll be out before he's 30, and Tessa Majors will still be dead.

Her parents should stay away.

David In TN said...

Just a reminder. The sentencing hearing for Rashaun Weaver, the third of Tessa Majors' killers, was scheduled for today, January 19.