Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Space Heater Blamed for Deadly Bronx Fire Had been Left on for Days

By R.C.
Tue, Jan 11, 2022 1:19 p.m.

Space Heater Blamed for Deadly Bronx Fire Had been Left on for Days: FDNY Sources

R.C.: Well, when you don't have to pay for electricity....

I am assuming.

Space heater blamed for deadly Bronx fire had been left on for days: FDNY sources
said apartment where blaze began had several space heaters, and the one that caused the fire had been left on for several days.   They are meant to be supplemental heat
wonder if the heat was working in the building 


Anonymous said...

I thought the negroes looked especially black coming out of there.


eahilf said...

Reminds me of the Grenfell Tower fire (link).

News stories about this prominently featured fotos of white firefighters rescuing niglets (perhaps the only real work the firefighters had done in a while, which is why so many want to be firefighters), which should have reinforced in the minds of anyone at all discerning that large parts of NYC now resemble a third world shithole, including the demographics of the people who live there -- they should really ask themselves: how did it get that way? -- and what would NYC be like if the majority of people living there were like those people? -- they may not have long to wait in order to find out -- or they could just visit Lagos (link).

That they allowed this to happen to America's flagship city shows how spiritually diseased white Americans are.

Anonymous said...

Normally in those high rise projects many utilities are out of action at any given moment. Electrical circuits also antiquated and overloaded with too many devices trying to operate frm the same circuit.

eahilf said...

>a third world shithole

The Lives Lost

A tragedy -- where did this happen? -- in what country?

It's a good thing the US 'saved (western) civilization' by winning WWII.

Anonymous said...


Temporarily--until we decided to do ourselves in.


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