Friday, January 07, 2022

NBC Nightly News—April 17th, 1974—Zebra Killings—Back When the National News Broadcasts Actually Reported the News (Video)

[“The Face of Morning TV.”]

[Crossposted at “The Zebra Project.”]

By Grands Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 1:59:00 P.M. EST

NBC Nightly News—April 17th, 1974—Zebra Killings

By pure chance, as I decided to look up Frank McGee on youtube, the first video that came up was the April 17th, 1974 nbc nightly newscast—complete—with the title: “Frank McGee’s Death.”

Interestingly, on that broadcast, was a report by Jack Perkins on the Zebra Killings (12:07-14:08)–as another White body is discovered in San Francisco. Here, you see a newscast as it should be done. John Chancellor opens the story by telling us, “a string of deaths of Whites murdered by blacks.”

Thought you might be interested, this being reported in real time.


By Grands Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 2:26:00 P.M. EST

I watched the obit of McGee at the end of the broadcast and it appears he was—and probably John Chancellor was, too, if you go by his words—pro-black. Or sympathetic to blacks, though the news was still told with much more honesty—compared to today. I doubt if the “Zebra Killings”–had they occurred in 2021-22—would receive ANY coverage by Lesta Holt.

That, in itself, is a huge difference. By bringing up the race of the perps and the vics, in 1974, is also amazing to view. It’s how it should be done today, as well. That’s called reporting the facts—not censoring them.


N.S.: GRA, no matter what I put in, I could not get the video on youtube. I was, however, able to find a link to it at a video archive that is not only in a foreign language, but in a non-European alphabet.


Related work on the Zebra Killings:

“Lest We Forget: Remembering the Zebra Victims”;>“Domestic Terrorism: The Nation of Islam and the Zebra Murders”;

“Updated List of Nation of Islam Attacks on Whites”; and

Zebra: The True Account of 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco [Entire, free, downloaded book; free registration required.]


Anonymous said...

The link is excellent.Same result as going to YouTube.


Anonymous said...

“a string of deaths of Whites murdered by blacks.”

Such talk would be forbidden today. No mention race.