Friday, January 07, 2022

"Hatred in the Eyes": How Racist Rage Animated the Jan. 6 Riots

By Merlin
Thu, Jan 6, 2022 3:34 p.m.

"Hatred in the Eyes": How Racist Rage Animated the Jan. 6 Riots

This bit of yellow journalism illustrates the sad state of journalism in the USA today; trying to recast the election fraud protest into something "racial."  These Dem politicians and their paid media liars are creating the groundwork for a race war in this country. Using the boogey-man of race is all they have.  Incapable of governing, and in the midst of destroying the country, they turn to the phoniest canard of all - that Trump supporters are racists. For one thing, many people of color are Trump supporters and more all the time are rejecting the message offered in this atrociously biased Fake News story.

We desperately need an honest media; not this collection of disreputable mental manipulators preying on the minds of gullible readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Find out WHY the rioters were so mad. Something is making them mad. Don't concentrate on the anger. Concentrate on finding a solution to the reason people are so mad.