Saturday, January 08, 2022

Go for Woke! If blacks Can't Manage the D.C. Subway System, How are They Going to Build the Tallest Building in the Entire Western Hemisphere?

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Sat, Jan 8, 2022 9:03 pm

This gargantuan project, which will be the tallest building in the entire western hemisphere is specifically slated to be built strictly by black people.

Yeah, but the Italians already built the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


Blacks cannot even manage the Washington, D.C. subway system.




The comments are hysterical

They will need a weight limit on the tenants or the whole thing will tip over.
"Yo mama is so fat when she took the elevator the building fell down."


Anonymous said...

"Black women have enough to worry about on a daily basis."

--black caucus

GRA:(I'm adding)Without having to worry about rules,doing their job right,dressing properly,combing their tarantula-like hair,acting like a person who cares about the way subway employees are perceived or speaking like a dumb nigg*r(which she is).

Obviously,all the black caucus thinks is expected of her is she punches in,puts one foot in front of the other while walking and punches out again(plus getting that paycheck).

The rest?Shut yo' mouth.


Anonymous said...

I seen this article at another web site and my first impression was that it was some kind of joke. It is true? From appearances the building will topple over and just crash to the ground. No such structure has ever built that way?

To preclude tenants to other negroes too seems illegal. I'm sure if you said only white tenants that would be deemed illegal instantly.