Friday, January 07, 2022

For Whites, Nepotism is a Moral and Legal Offense; for blacks, It's a Wonderful Opportunity: noi mayor Eric Adams Appoints Kid Brother Bernard as Deputy Police Commissioner"

By N.S.

"Eric Adams Taps Younger Brother Bernard as a Peputy Police Commissioner"


Anonymous said...

Rank and file NYPD watch out.

Anonymous said...

This deserves another Adams Family song:

They look like one another,
It's Eric and his brother,
Don't need to see the mother,
The Adams Fambilee.

"I need another job,bro.
One I won't have to go to."
"I got the thing just for you
--Assistant Deputy."

(Fingers snapping)
"Hundred gees.
Do as you please.
Life of ease."

The mayor of New York City.
Has screwed the pooch so quickly.
Their ethics are quite sickly
The Adams Fam-bi-lee


Anonymous said...

It is not that blacks per se are against nepotism and corruption. Just that they feel they never got their far share of it.