Thursday, January 06, 2022

Explain This One: Gretchen Whitmer's Husband Gets Covid, but She Doesn't

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 2:12:00 A.M. EST

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID-19 lab test has come back negative after her husband tested positive for the coronavirus.

The governor tested negative with a rapid test Tuesday but was awaiting the results of the PCR test. In a social media video Wednesday, she said First Gentleman Marc Mallory has cold-like symptoms. They both are fully vaccinated and have gotten a booster shot.

Whitmer is continuing to isolate from Mallory.

GRA:The most contagious virus of ALLLLLL times, yet husband comes down with Covid, but wifey Gretchen does not. Any theories? I have--and most of them I could get sued for--if I wasn't anonymous.


N.S.: I didn't even know she was playing for our team.


Anonymous said...

That was one theory--he's a beard.They've split up privately--not publicly--is another.


Anonymous said...


(CitizenFree Press)If War Room reporting is correct, this new variant has far more severe symptoms.

More than 13 million were ordered to stay at home since last week as authorities sought to battle a Covid outbreak. But compared to other lockdowns globally, locals cannot go out even for essential reasons like buying food. The lockdown on the northern city of Xi’an is in its 15th day. The city’s outbreak is the worst China has seen in months amid its zero-Covid strategy. Initially, the restrictions had allowed one person per household to venture out once every two days to buy food and other basic supplies. But the rules were tightened on Monday – banning residents from leaving at all except to get tested for Covid-19.

GRA:China is still trying to infect the world?Biological warfare ad infinitum.


lastkingofscotland said...

she appears taller thinner and tanner. iow, it isnt really her anymore. go look at other recent pics.