Monday, February 10, 2020

Cops Nab Gal Pal of Alleged Would-be Cop-Killer

By “W”
Mon, Feb 10, 2020 8:34 a.m.

“Cop Assailants Gal Pal.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Must be one of those female superhero's Sigourney Weaver told as about during the Oscar's:
Of course Ripley's idiotic uber feminazi proclamation received massive applause from the brain dead Hollywood audience, no surprise there. Hey, if "all" women are designated as superhero's (Some of the more cynical sarcastic types might say "leave out the "er"), then all men must be the supervillains, after all, you can't have all women being superhero's simply by virtue of birth without the converse. Does this mean the Whoopie Goldberg is going to start publicly parading around in a tight spandex outfit? Just kill me now.

I would actually agree that some women do at least have super abilities. Brie Larsons power to magnetically draw my eyes to her chest while Sigourney was speaking was pretty amazing: