Monday, February 10, 2020

Academy Tosses Obamas an Oscar for Their Company's Documentary on Ohio Factory

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Mon, Feb 10, 2020 8:46 a.m.

Obama-Backed Documentary on Ohio Factory Wins Academy Award

PGCE-P: Why does a domestic factory employ 200 Chinese?
I betcha the Honda factory in Anna, Ohio does not employ 200 Japanese.  Did you know that Honda and Toyota have probably created more domestic manufacturing jobs than have GM and Ford?   So much Honda production comes from the U.S. that there has been chatter about moving Honda's headquarters to the U.S.
And will it mention the fact that the offshoring of manufacturing jobs was due solely to government policies?  Nothing more and nothing less.


Anonymous said...

Chinese probably the bosses telling the negro workers what to do. Lots of conflict I between Chinese and negro.

Those foreign manufacturers are smart enough to locate their billion dollar plants in remote rural area and not to Detroit. The only possible employees [and only a small limited number needed] more than likely white farm boys and white farm girls who are very grateful to have those jobs.

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon,they'll just change the name of the show to the Obama Awards--instead of the Oscars.
The next Democratic president will do that.
Whites will be limited to 10% of the nominees--with only blacks voting.
Lesta Holt will host.
It won't matter to me,I'll be in a white designated prison--unless a whole lot of white people get their priorities straight.