Saturday, February 22, 2020

Spielberg “embarrassed” and “concerned” over Daughter’s Porn Career

By A Friend

N.S.: Adoption is a wonderful idea, but you’re bringing a stranger into your life.

I have an adopted niece who turned out great. She’s a wonderful girl. I once told her mother, “You done lucked out, kid. She could have turned out an illiterate, psychopathic serial killer.”

And yet, you need a lot more luck with an adoption than you do with having your own biological child.

Yuppies popularized the idea of “bonding” exercises between parents and newborns. You shouldn’t need any such gimmicks with your newborn. You’re already bonded by nature! At least, me and mine were. As soon as he came home from the hospital, we would take turns watching each other sleep.

Funny thing about that. Marion Robert Morrison (1907-1979), aka Marion Michael Morrison, aka Duke Morrison, aka Duke Wayne, aka John Wayne, never bonded with his mother, Mary Brown Morrison. Mother and child experienced something akin to hate at first sight. Marion always loved his father, Clyde, to death, and Mary loved the second son she would bear two years later, and whose name she would steal from her enemy, Robert.

At the Post.

*Since I mentioned John Wayne, although his parents (read his mother) changed his name from Marion Robert to Marion Michael at the age of two, they never did so officially, and he never changed his name, either. Although everyone knew him as Duke Wayne, Duke, or “The Duke,” the man left this vale of tears with the name he was born with: Marion Robert Morrison.

Well, you know me and my preoccupations, guys. Obviously, I’ve been thinking a lot about John Wayne for a long time, and I just couldn’t help myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I saw one article about this that said Spielberg was supportive of her decision but then another one that said he was not happy with it. Which is true? Who knows for sure but I'm betting on the 2nd one being the truth. First one was probably pc wishful thinking by some liberal reporter. It said in the article that she wanted to be financially self supportive and not dependent on her father's money. Well, why not work, you know...a "job". She also has a fiance, a white guy named Chuck Pankow. I guess that's another casualty of our modern pc culture, men don't feel the need to support their wives.